What God Calls Atheists: The Story of Charles Bradlaugh


Great message here by Clint Archer in CHURCHLEADERS: MERRY CHRISTMAS TEAM JESUS! This message should really inspire you!!!!!!!!!

In 1880, Charles Bradlaugh was elected as a member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the Northampton district. His constituents knew he was an atheist who liked to publicly challenge Christians but didn’t think it would affect his work in parliament. They were proven wrong on his first day as their MP. He objected to taking an oath of allegiance before God, on the grounds that God did not exist. He asked to be allowed to make a good old-fashioned ‘cross my heart’ promise and leave God out of it. This request was denied on the grounds that if there were no God then there would be no morality, no right and wrong, no truth or lie, and the oath would be meaningless. More Here


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