Just a reminder…..Turkey is a member of NATO! Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdoğan is a very evil man! Turkey needs to be kicked out of NATO!!!!!!!!

All Israel News Staff

Israeli military forces discovered a secret Hamas document detailing the terror organization’s plans to build a base in Turkey, according to a report in The Times.

The document was reportedly found at the home of Hamza Abu Shanab, chief of staff to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

The document, “Founding a Base in Turkey,” contained detailed plans for issues, such as funding and staffing a Hamas base within Turkey over a three-year period. The document describes the goal of “setting up many military cells and safe houses in many countries” to train recruits for the “practical planning of sabotage and assassination.”

It mentions possible targets, including “officers and commanders in Mossad” and “influential Israelis.” More Here

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