Just more and more ugly in Churches……..What is the truth? The Word of God.

Ugly like this just chases people away from the Church………

The Christian Post

Leonardo Blair, Senior Reporter 

The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigations in South Carolina confirmed Tuesday that they have been consulted about the suicide of Mica Miller, the late wife of Pastor John-Paul Miller of Solid Rock at Market Common in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Miller was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head at Lumber River State Park in Robeson County, North Carolina, on April 27.

“We have been in contact with the Robeson County Sheriff’s Office, but we don’t confirm/deny/comment on investigations,” U.S. Attorney’s Office Public Affairs Specialist Veronica R. Hill emailed The Christian Post in response to questions about the investigation. More Here

I am very troubled by this news, very, very so, Why post it then? I beleive all of us need to know more than ever the struggles that go on with suicide, depression, anxiety, troubled marriages, domestic abuse, and child abuse. Why? because so many are going through this hell. This hell has been created by us. We are the ones that have created this society. You probably have people in your Church that are struggling today. Many Pastors do not know what to do. We are not all trained in mental health. When its over my head I refer people to John Thurman here in Albuquerque. John is an excellent Christian counselor. DO NOT IGNORE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES! DO NOT BE BLINDED BY THEM! GET YOUR LOVED ONE PROFESSIONAL HELP!

I also encourage anyone out there to get help for their marriage if you are in trouble. I will not marry anyone without going through premarital counseling. As I say, have your Pastor vet you both.

Many are embarrassed to talk to their Pastor about these issues. I get calls from people that have a Pastor, but they are to embarrassed to talk to their Pastor. I try to get them to talk to their own Pastor and help them as much as I can.

The other thing I want to bring up is that just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview and just 37% of Pastor have a Biblical Worldview. These figures are just a reflection of the hell America is going through. A lot of the Church is not building bridges of love and trust with people that do not go to Church, that is quite evident. Many Churches are having low attendance, not many young people at all, some have no children Sunday school, because they do not have any children in their Church! Some Churches have not had a baptism in 5 years or more. Years ago, when I was working with a Church going through another split, yes, another,  I was sent their by Garland Moore of Baptist Convention to help out. I got a call that the head of the Baptist Convention wanted me to come see him to talk about this particular Church, and why they were having so much trouble. I will never forget the words he said to me, “Dewey. some Churches need to have a funeral!” That shocked me! I did not know what to say! I had never heard those words before. In all me years now of traveling the circuit,  I agree. Some do.

Pastor says his mentally troubled wife died by suicide, but some refuse to believe

Christian school basketball coach dies by suspected suicide after being accused of sex with players

46% Of U.S. Adults Now Unchurched

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