Planting seeds for JESUS is what we do……….some have called us missionaries.

I am so very thankful for George Barna and his research. America is an unchurched country. I have been warning about this for years. As the Church goes, the country goes. We are in trouble. Great Commission failure. The Church has got to change its model, no walls, get out on the streets and byways. The American Church has got to start building bridges of love and trust with an unbelieving America. It is not going to happen within your walls. Make sure and read what a Church in East Texas did! The post is below! Glory!
Over the years many Pastors have damaged the Church by supporting politicians that are not Christ like. I was taught at a young age to vet the candidates with God’s Word. I suspect many Americans no longer even know what it means to ‘vet the candidates.’ Vetting is the set of processes for assessing the integrity of individuals (such as their adherence to Biblical standards standards) in order to determine their suitability for public employment. Sex scandals also have rocked too many Churches. The Church has turned into the world. I could start a page here at FGGAM just on crimes of the Church in America!!! It makes me down right SICK! I cannot report all the crimes, I would vomit. I am very upset at this behavior! I have been a Christian news reporter now for almost 20 years. I see it EVERYDAY!
In the last three years FGGAM has carried out The Great Commission in parts of New Mexico, Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, South Dakota and Minnesota. We have met many people that do not go to Church or do not believe in God. Many see the American Church as not helping make our country a better place. They do not see the need to go to Church. Many feel they can worship God at home.
I have preached and written about this failure for years, but I feel like the lone wolf.
Contributed by: Michael Duduit of Preaching Magazine
In his new book America at the Crossroads (Baker Books), George Barna offers a disturbing survey of the trends impacting American culture and the American culture In one chapter he offers insights about the unchurched, including these data points:
* “46 percent of adults are now unchurched – an increase from the 35 percent in 2005.”
* “62 percent of the unchurched consider themselves to be Christian.”
Southern Baptists See Decline in Number of Congregations and Churches
Church Attendance in U.S. Continues to Decline. Great Commission Failure.