We have reported many times about this downward trend in many Churches. This ugly has caught up with the Church, maybe even surpassing ugly. At times I feel like the lone wolf addressing this issue. The Great Commission is not being carried out by many Pastors and congregants. The Great Commission is a command from JESUS! Do you not see the failure in not carrying out this command??!! I know of Churches that have not baptized anyone for 5 years or more! FAILURE! The late, great, Pastor Don Kimbro saw this failure over 6 years ago when he said, “The lack of baptisims and growing up mature Christians will catch of with the Church.” Many Pastors love preaching to the choir I guess. How ugly is it? 46% Of U.S. Adults Now Unchurched
Too many Churches no longer have a strong Children’s Sunday school because there are no children in Church! No parents, no children.
Why Churches Talk the Great Commission But Don’t Do It
From Carey Nieuwhof
Today, a shocking new survey shows that 43% of SBC churches had zero baptisms last year, the latest on the four-day work week, people issues, and Gen Z is trendsetting again |
43% of Churches Now Report Zero Baptisms
The quarter-century slide continues |
Although these are Southern Baptist statistics, the alarm bells are ringing: baptisms are way down. And before you point a finger, the SBC’s growth challenges are hardly an anomaly.
Sure, technically, baptisms have been up since 2020 and 2021, when it was almost impossible to baptize people. But if you look at the graph in this article, the historic 25-year plunge line resumes right where it left off pre-pandemic—sharply down and to the right.
While bright spots include the fact that newer churches and churches with more people in small groups had more baptisms than others, the grim news abounds.
Particularly concerning: 43% of SBC churches reported zero baptisms in the previous year.
I’m praying we see this trend and the trends in the wider church reverse soon.
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