Hallajuha! Glory to God in the Highest!
I thank all those who have made the baby boxes possible in this state and across America. You are saving one of God’s babies one at a time. I will never understand why all Churches do not have a baby box! God Bless the Belen, New Mexico Fire Department and all those that worked to place a safe haven baby box at the fire station. The fight to save God’s babies in America continues. Pastor! Are you speaking against the evil of killing God’s babies? Are you training your congregation on how to build bridges of love and trust with all people? Are you being the hands and feet of Jesus? Do you have godly compassion for God’s babies? Are you inviting Pro-Life speakers into your Church to educate your congregation on the actions that need to be taken in your community? If not, why not?
Harden Hearts? : “So, the most common meaning for ‘hardness of heart’ is a heart that cannot be touched and moved and made to feel tender emotions — empathy, sympathy — toward suffering. It’s like a stone; it can’t feel what it ought to feel,” John Piper said. John Piper identifies key signs of a ‘hardened heart,’ how to overcome ‘deceitfulness of sin’
New Mexico is pro-abortion. The people of this state have allowed politicians that are for the killing of God’s babies to be elected. I praise our Almighty God for moving folks to put up baby boxes at Fire stations, but we need to do more in this state! We need to stop the murdering of God babies! I will not rest until this evil stops! I have lived here since 1995. I just shake my head and weep how far this state has fallen into hell. New Mexico! Do you not see the wrong of your ways? What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.
KOAT TV Reports: A baby was dropped off at a state safe haven baby box at a Belen, New Mexico fire station. Belen fire chief Charles Cox confirmed the baby drop-off on Tuesday, Feb. 6. More Here
FGGAM News Director Chuck Akeley Reports: Former U.S. Representative Paul Broun (R-GA) Discusses “Religious Ceremonies” At The Satanic Temple’s New Mexico Abortion Clinic