Jaw Dropping Thankfulness… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Jaw Dropping Thankfulness…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Do I ever have a cute little story to tell you this beautiful sunny morning, from the beautiful state of Maine. Of course, my grandkids are over the top. I am sure yours are too. Last week, I took two of my grandkids to a local store called Marden’s. They both were sporting their new sunglasses that their momma had purchased. One decided to put theirs in my pocketbook and the other decided to hold on to his. After checking out and going to the car, Maisie decided it was time for her sunglasses and she knew right where she put them, in the front pocket of my pocketbook. My grandson, well he couldn’t remember where he sat his glasses. We looked up and down the aisles, to no avail. Several trips and grandma’s prayers and we finally left the store without sunglasses. I couldn’t even find a children’s pair of sunglasses to purchase in the store. I took them home and waved good-bye.

The next day we were picking up their cousin from a birthday party and we took a quick look around the store as well. No sunglasses. Then Sunday came. Somebody shout thank God for Sunday!

I was preparing for church and was getting some things out of my pocketbook. There sat the little gray sunglasses. Somehow, he put them in my pocketbook as well. As I drove down the long driveway to their house, they watched excitedly as I waved the sunglasses out the window. Mr. Maddox’s jaw dropped as his eyes came into focus of what I was waving. It was a sight to behold. I pray I never forget the look I saw on his face that day, for a million years or more.

Did I tell you about Jax? Late last night I received a picture of his award that read Congratulations, Your A Published Author. I told you beautiful people, it’s all in the genes.

Bless a child today, because you can. Be a blessing everywhere you go. Make somebody’s day a jaw dropping thankful day.

Let’s Pray:

Father, you said to give thanks in everything: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Father, thank you for the gift of children, what a blessing they are to our world. We join faith today all across this globe and pray a hedge of protection, provision, and whatever they have need of. Most of all we pray they know Jesus, for he is watching over them. Amen.

Jesus said, let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. (Matthew 19:14)


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