Lifeway Research: Christmas Celebrates a Historical Event, Americans Say





Aaron Earls


Christmas is a celebration of a real event, according to most Americans. Just don’t expect them to know exactly why Jesus was born and came to earth.

A new study from Lifeway Research finds close to 3 in 4 Americans believe Jesus was born in Bethlehem more than 2,000 years ago. Even more say Jesus is the son of God the Father, but less than half believe Jesus existed prior to being born on that first Christmas.

Lifeway Research: Christmas Celebrates a Historical Event, Americans Say

(The Christian Post) In light of the Advent season of waiting, Louie Giglio, the pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia, shared with his congregation that Jesus is coming back “soon” yet many won’t make it to Heaven and some will be deceived by Satan’s “game” of deception.

“The enemy’s plan for you and for me, in light of the fact that Jesus is coming soon, is that you would get deceived,” Giglio preached in a sermon delivered on Nov. 29.

Louie Giglio Warns Many Will Lose Satan’s ‘Game’ of Deception Before Jesus Returns

Merry Christmas Team Jesus!



Brandon Cox

The span between Malachi and Matthew lasted approximately four hundred years, often referred to by scholars as the “400 silent years” since there were no records of prophecies or angelic appearances.

Then, God spoke.

And when God broke the silence, he did so magnificently! It was time for Israel’s long-awaited Messiah to rise up for the salvation of his people.

The first messages from God during this history-making moment were angelic appearances to a handful of people, one of whom was a young lady named Mary.

A Christmas Promise: The Word of God Will Never Fail

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