Ethel Maharg, On Why She is Running For Governor of New Mexico!


I have asked every candidate running for Governor of New Mexico to write a message to the people of the state, on why they are running. I have even emailed Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and asked her the same question.

Ethel Maharg is the first to respond. I know Ethel personally, She is a very strong, loving woman of God! Ethel takes a Biblical Worldview on all issues. The Lord has shown me that this is one of the most important elections in New Mexico’s history!

Which way will it go? Biblical Worldview? Or continue on the path to hell.

New Mexico voters have supported anti-life politicians for years and years! Will this continue? The state has legalized pot, just think we have drunk drivers killing or injuring others, now pot head drivers will do the same. New Mexico now also has home delivery of booze!!!! How can we continue to put people in office who favor these evils? The death of God’s babies, potheads, and home delivery of booze!!???

I encourage all Pastors to invite Ethel to speak at your Church. Ethel stands for life, not death. Pastors need to be as strong as Ethel is for God’s babies. Why are so many Pastors silent for the lives of God’s babies???

Everything starts with God and his babies, New Mexico and our nation must stop the killing of God’s babies! I appreciate many things about Ethel, God’s babies and her not begging for money is another reason I am thankful for her.

So many, including the present governor, are always asking the common folk for money, Ethel is of the common folk in our state for sure. Salt of the earth. I look forward to hearing from the other candidates.

I will always address these issues head-on from a Biblical Worldview. I am here to answer to my God and not man. I have come to comfort the inflicted and inflict the comfortable.

Here is Ethel’s message:

You asked why I’m running for Governor. It is a long story, but the short answer is that I believe I have been called by God to do so. When I was the mayor of the Village of Cuba, New Mexico (16 years ago) a pastor, Pastor Carmen Soto gave me a word, and she said God had told her I would be running. At the time it seemed like such a far-fetched idea, that I, like Sarah in the Bible, when she was told she would have a child in her old age, laughed. I had already served 10 years in office and thought I was done, but God had other plans.

After my service to Cuba, we moved to Albuquerque, and I had an assortment of jobs until I went to work for Care Net Pregnancy Centers where I served as Client Services Director. It was here where God transformed my life and began the greatest fight of my life. This is the fight for LIFE. I oversaw 4 centers and the medical mobile unit that goes to the late term abortion clinic among other things. I trained over 200 volunteers.

I was approached by the team of Convoy of Hope to be a volunteer coordinator for their event that would bring a million dollars’ worth of goods and services to our community, and so I did. I was able to help make connections with Care Net and the police department to help the officers have a tool kit in their units that would help them when they encountered situations where children were involved. I helped bring approximately 1700 volunteers together for this effort.

After this I was approached by Hispanic Action Network (HAN) to work with them in the 2018 election to help them distribute voter guides throughout the state for the election. I took a 6 week leave of absence to help them and we distributed 350,000 voter guides throughout the state in hopes of helping Steve Pearce get elected. I did this because I was really concerned for pregnancy centers if Grisham got elected, and my concerns were not without merit, as unfortunately we have seen what she and her pro-death team have done in our state. It was during this time that the words of Pastor Carmen Soto began to play like a recording in my mind over and over. Grisham had not even been elected and God was telling me to run.

After serving at Care Net for 5 years I was asked to interview at Right to Life Committee of New Mexico, for the executive director position. My boss Mary LeQuieu encouraged me to apply, not because there were problems with us, but because she said God had prompted her to do so. She said I was the right person for the job. I have been in this position since January 2019.

I have been fighting for life now on a legislative level for going on 3 years, helping our representatives and senators in every way possible, as well as working to help get pro-life candidates get elected.

God has been preparing me for this position for two decades. I was a small business owner, a bank manager, schoolteacher, oil and gas worker, and living in a small farming and ranching community I know intimately how big government affects small communities. People often comment about all I have done, and as I look back I now know it was in preparation to run this race.

Recently you may have seen how I was attacked over our billboard that says, “My favorite right is life”. It was placed there by God (We did not know this was the location the sign company would use) at the exit where women seeking an abortion will very likely see it. It has been up for 2 months and was never an issue, but with my announcement as a candidate for governor and the Texas law going into effect it is now a problem. The problem was not about police, or permission, it’s about abortion. I believe it will be the first of many attacks I will encounter, but I resolve to continue in this race, because it is God who called me, and I’m going to stay the course and do what He called me to do. To Him be the glory. Speaking of this; last year I went to someone in leadership, and they told me that no one knew who I am, and I didn’t have any money. In essence they were saying I didn’t have a chance.  This issue with the billboard was picked up, not only by local media. I was called by the AP, the Daily Beast in New York and last week the Washington Post called me. I guess God took care of the name recognition. I can’t wait to see what He will do about the money.  I did not run because I’m rich and or famous. I’m running because my Father asked me to. If it’s God’s will, it’s God’s bill and He will provide.

Thank you for letting me share. My favorite right is life!

Ethel Maharg


Jay Block on why he is running for Governor of New Mexico

Rebecca Dow on why she is running for Governor of New Mexico

The goal on posting the messages from the candidates is so that you get to know them a little bit. It is your duty to do your own  research. Message them through Facebook if you have questions.

FGGAM is on the same page as this organization: My Faith Votes is a “non-partisan movement that motivates, equips and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth.”

My warning once again! Spiritual Warfare is hot and heavy and it is going to get worse! The Church in America needs to wake up and put on the armor of God and go forth carrying out The Great Commission! Wake up Pastors!!!!! This is no Sunday School picnic! Prepare your people! Help Me Understand: Spiritual Warfare—The Devil

What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!

Years ago at the Time to Revive Revival in Asheville, NC it was spoken over me and confirmed by the Lord that I was to be a Watchman on the Wall! That is exactly what the LORD has done with me for the past several years, 24 years now. Everyday the Spiritual condition of the world slips further into hell. Jesus has told us what to do! What are you doing about it? A “Watchman” pastor is one who has committed to watch what goes on in the culture, pray for wisdom to engage the culture and sound the alarm of perceived cultural transgressions from the pulpit. That is what the LORD has commanded me to be!

FROM CHURCHLEADERS!!! I love this media organization!!!! Thank the LORD!!!

One of the big questions U.S. Christians are faced with every November (especially every four years when Americans elect a new president) is: “Should a Christian vote?”

This question has been especially front of mind in the past decade. From Obama to Trump to Biden, voting booths have been flooded with Christians attempting to make a difference with their vote.

ChurchLeaders recently interviewed Paul Isaacs, vice president of national outreach for My Faith Votes, to get his thoughts on why voting as a Christian in America matters. My Faith Votes is a “non-partisan movement that motivates, equips and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth.”

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