I am learning a lot about the folks that are running for Governor of New Mexico.
I had been told I would appreciate what I would learn about Jay Bock. I have never met him in person, but I appreciate his service to our Country and his love for New Mexico.
I am enjoying hearing from the candidates, so far we have heard from Ethel Maharg, Rebecca Dow, and now Jay Block.
I have had conversations with candidates Louie Sanchez, Tim Walsh, and Greg Zanetti and I pray we get a post from them soon.
I have attempted many times to contact Karen Bedonie, but have received no reply. I started in news in 1978 at the Minnesota State News Network, and in my 42 years in radio, I have held different positions including news reporting.
In all those, you learn a lot about people and politicians by the way they treat you, by the way, they respond, if they are honest and detailed, and so on.
Meet Jay C. Block, Lt Col (Ret) USAF:
After retiring from Kirtland Air Force Base, I decided to make New
Mexico my permanent home and raise my family here after over 20 years
of service. During my time in the Air Force, I had the opportunity to
travel all over the world and no place has captured my heart the way
New Mexico has—we have great food, culture, people, weather, and
Failed leadership and failed policies have prevented New Mexico from
meeting our tremendous potential as a state. Year after year,
homicides are on the rise. We are at the bottom of the country when it
comes to our children’s education. We lead the country in suicides. We
have one of the highest poverty rates in the country. We have a
serious drug problem, and many of us have family and friends that have
been victims of addiction. More people are leaving New Mexico than
ever before. While our neighbors in Colorado, Texas, Utah, Oklahoma,
and Arizona are thriving, our beautiful state remains to be the only
state in the Southwest that cannot get it together.
New Mexicans know that we cannot keep electing the same people and
expecting the results to change. I’m tired of the same problems and
the same empty promises from politicians, and that’s why I’m running
for governor.
I will never turn my back on the state that I know and love. Our kids
deserve an education that prepares them for college and the workforce.
We deserve to go out with our families and not worry about safety. We
deserve a New Mexico that we can all be proud of. And you deserve a
leader in Santa Fe who understands these issues just as well as you
do. As your next governor, I will work for you and I will get the job
Ethel Maharg on why she is running for Governor of New Mexico
Rebecca Dow on why she is running for Governor of New Mexico
The goal on posting the messages from the candidates is so that you get to know them a little bit. It is your duty to do your own research. Message them through Facebook if you have questions.
FGGAM is on the same page as this organization: My Faith Votes is a “non-partisan movement that motivates, equips and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth.”
My warning once again! Spiritual Warfare is hot and heavy and it is going to get worse! The Church in America needs to wake up and put on the armor of God and go forth carrying out The Great Commission! Wake up Pastors!!!!! This is no Sunday School picnic! Prepare your people! Help Me Understand: Spiritual Warfare—The Devil
What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!
Years ago at the Time to Revive Revival in Asheville, NC it was spoken over me and confirmed by the Lord that I was to be a Watchman on the Wall! That is exactly what the LORD has done with me for the past several years, 24 years now. Everyday the Spiritual condition of the world slips further into hell. Jesus has told us what to do! What are you doing about it? A “Watchman” pastor is one who has committed to watch what goes on in the culture, pray for wisdom to engage the culture and sound the alarm of perceived cultural transgressions from the pulpit. That is what the LORD has commanded me to be!
FROM CHURCHLEADERS!!! I love this media organization!!!! Thank the LORD!!!
One of the big questions U.S. Christians are faced with every November (especially every four years when Americans elect a new president) is: “Should a Christian vote?”
This question has been especially front of mind in the past decade. From Obama to Trump to Biden, voting booths have been flooded with Christians attempting to make a difference with their vote.