Taking a Stand for God in 2021


“Once you start listening to people in the stands, you will soon be sitting with them.” ~Joe Kuharich, college/pro football player and coach.

In 2021, we choose to sit in the stands of life or take a stand for something. Something that matters like our God and His Word and mission.

Four ways to take a stand for God in 2021.

1. Take a Stand: Listen to God and Continue in His playbook

“But my people did not listen to my voice.” Psalm 81:11a (ESV)

  • Listening for positioning (the mission field God has given you).
  • There’s a difference between hearing and listening.

Hearing is the physiological mechanics of our ear. Listening is attentive: processing what we hear through our mind.

If we are listening to people in the stands who do not care what the playbook (Bible) says,—only their personal agenda—we will soon be sitting with them!

Fans of men sitting idly in the stands of life. “Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross.” (Hymn by George Duffield)

Where is the Lord strategically positioning you this year? Then:

2. Standing for God: Stay in Your Position on His Field

“Stand united, singular in vision, contending for people’s trust in the Message, the good news, not flinching or dodging in the slightest before the opposition.” Philippians 1:28 (MSG)

  • Staying for playing.
  • When the going gets tough in the game of life, we can stay or run away.

Christ followers have been given a mission field. I don’t mean you have to cross the ocean. Yes, God may call me or you to make that journey.

But, we have a mission on our current playing field. To make a difference for Jesus. And to cross the street and talk to our neighbor. Further, to cross the hallway at work with the message of the cross.

When the mission is difficult (the opponent’s position is diabolical), we often run! We go out of the game instead of out into the world to spread the faith.

The enemy is cunning, he wants us running for three “me” reasons…

  1. “I don’t feel like a part of the team or a connection to the cause.”
  2.  “I’m not getting anything out of it. It’s too hard. I don’t like my position.”
  3. ” It’s all about me, not Jesus. I’ve got this. Give me the most important plays.” (The star player syndrome.)

But, Jesus is the star player! 

Are you on Jesus’ team with the star player attitude? Have you lost sight of the team concept and what the playbook says? Next:

3. Stand: Guard You and Your Team well from the Opponent

“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.” I Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

  • Shielding not yielding. Never yield to advice in the stands or to the enemy’s tactics.
  • Guarding is crucial to protecting, scoring, and the win. Don’t let your guard down.

We must actively protect ourselves, our family, and our body of believers from the enemy. To gain the victories spiritually: in the battle, in our lives, in our church, we have to guard against his schemes.

What’s the spiritual “win” in your personal life and on your mission field? Finally:

4. Standing: Keep the Goal in Mind

“I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.” Philippians 3:14b (MSG)

  • Keeping by seeing.
  • Don’t lose focus of the goal. Never turn back.

In any sport, if we lose focus of the goal, we lose the game!

Are your eyes on the goal or have you turned back? Is knowing Jesus and bringing others to know him your focus?

Listen. Stay. Guard. Keep.

Take a stand in 2021 for a standing-room-only God.

Another FGGAM post: Lord, Crown the Year With Your Goodness.

Featured image by Jill Willington on Adobe Spark.

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