Mayor Keller’s Staff to Review Flawed Crime Stats


When you read my following comments, they are not meant as a rant, but of love and concern for good information for God’s people. I have a news background, dating back to 1978. I have been a news director, running a department of 6 reporters. I am an OLD GUY. I knew radio, when radio was radio!!! LOL! News reporting is very vital to God’s people. Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s at WFRN Christian Radio in Elkhart,Indiana, Ed Moore, owner, Marv Boone, news director and I, Assistant to the GM in News, teamed together to have one of the best news staff in Christian radio. We had 6 reporters. At KKIM we had Hall of Famer Frank Haley, Bill Ruhl, Paul Holt, Mark Tross, Leonard Navarre and myself. We did long form news programming, one hour newscasts, live interviews from the State Capitol, Live reports from the Legislative session, live election coverage…..that is a thing of the past in Christian radio and tv, sadly. One year we had Pastor Glen Strock report live from Washington D.C. during National Day of Prayer! I will always be grateful to legislators Nora Espinoza and Janice Arnold Jones for all their help during the legislative sessions.

I am very thankful to the Lord for the reporting of the ABQ Journal. We subscribe to the Journal, they do a great job. We also subscribe to their online service. Albuquerque is a one newspaper town. Here at FGGAM we dig deep the best we can everyday. Radio suffers from the lack of IN DEPTH, DIG DEEP Christian news as does tv. Many Christian stations have eliminated their news departments. We had expanded news coverage at KKIM when I was there. KOB radio here in Albuquerque has really gone down hill as a news station, sorry to report.

The only local radio/tv Christian news we have in Albuquerque is with Hall of Famer Frank Haley on Son Broadcasting’s KDAZ Radio and KCHF TV.

I am very thankful for the investigative reporting done by our TV stations here in ABQ!!!

Be careful where you get your news. Be careful of the “nothing noise” Call on your God given discernment.

The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. Proverbs 18:15

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6


If it was not for the reporting of the Albuquerque Journal, would this story been uncovered? The flaw in crime stats for the city of Albuquerque… the Keller Administration will get to work and get the problem fixed, we pray. ABQ Journal Update 

By the way read this……..From RADIO INK this morning!

This week with the launch of El Washington Post, the newspaper now has 18 podcasts on its website for readers to consume. We decided to do a little digging about how commiited newspapers are to the audio space and let you decide if it’s something you should worry about. [read more

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