We are so very, very thankful for all that have served our Country. We are also very thankful to the Baptist Press for sharing these stories with us! THANK YOU! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Baptist Press

By Tobin Perry, posted May 24, 2024 in National NewsNorth American Mission Board

TAMPA, Fla. (BP) – Chief Warrant Officer Anthony “Tony” Prescott can’t forget the evening of August 7, 2015. At 10:15 p.m., when a Taliban suicide bomber breached the gate of Camp Integrity, a small coalition base near Kabul, Afghanistan, Prescott was among the first on the scene.

The soldier in front of Prescott was killed. Shrapnel from the explosion injured Prescott’s face and hands, and the blast ruptured his eardrums. Despite his injuries, Prescott engaged the enemy heroically, as did many others.

Following the attack, Prescott worked for four days straight – without sleep – to help find whoever assisted the insurgents with the attack. As a counterintelligence officer, he wrote the operations plan that led to the capture of the person who provided the insurgents with access to the base. His dedication and expertise were crucial in preventing further attacks and saving lives.

Before his distinguished service in counterintelligence, Memorial Day conjured up iconic pictures from history – Marines raising the flag at Iwo Jima, Allied forces storming the beaches in Normandy and other historic moments. Prescott still thinks about those images when pondering the heroic actions of Americans on the battlefield.

But today, he has other images to add to the list – like the young man who lost his life in front of him that night at Camp Integrity. More Here

Memorial Day: Chaplain’s three tours in Vietnam leave lasting scars

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