Albuquerque—New Mexico—America



   “The great work of intercession is needed for the returning of the Lord. It is here that the coming revival must find its strength. Let there be, with every minister and worker, ‘great searching of heart’ (Judges 5:16), as to whether they are ready to give as much time and strength to prayer as God desires. Let them, even as they are in public, leaders of their larger or smaller circles, give themselves in secret to take their place in the front ranks of the great intercession host.”  (Andrew Murray)

America is plagued with violence at new heights in every city.   Each state in these United States is failing her people and the whole of the nation nearly to the point we may soon be referred to as the former “United” States. I pray for this land that I love; I pray for the churches which I love beyond simply affection in every city and corner of America.

I have been often requested of late to pray for New Mexico, and more pointedly, the City of Albuquerque.   On a road trip across this great land last month, I was blessed to drive and pray for a total of three days in New Mexico. My wife and I on the last leg of our trip were blessed to spend the night in Albuquerque. As we were approaching this grand city, Ruthi was on her iPad attempting to make a reservation in a hotel for that night. The hotel site on the internet was not very cooperative, so entering the city proper, I found a shopping mall parking lot where we could stop and make connection on her cell phone and speak with an actual human.

I had parked at the far end of the lot away from the buildings and other cars for privacy and less distraction.   As Ruthi was making connection, my eyes fell on the only movement in front of our car. At first, I was aware of a lone young woman extremely casual in dress riding up on a bicycle.   She stopped and dismounted her bike and sat on a curb approximately 50 feet from the front of our car. Within a very few moments, another rider, this time a male of similar age and dress slowly approached where she sat, made a couple of circles around her then he joined her on the curb. They apparently knew one another, but there was so sense of intimacy.   They did not say much to one another, but seemed to be looking all around, but not at the same places at the same time. In my innocence, I did not think much of it.

However, my curiosity was peaking as a third individual on a bike approached the first two, only he never got off his bike but stood straddling.   This later musketeer’s eyes never ceased to dart around as if being on guard from something unknown to me. In a moment when he was satisfied in his gazing, he tossed what might have been some folded and clipped together dollar bills toward the young man seated on the curb. The bills, or whatever it was, stayed on the pavement near the man’s feet until he felt safe in slowly picking it up. He quickly thumbed as if counting and placed in a backpack, got on his bike and slowly road away.

In a matter of moments, the young lady seated on the curb dropped a packet of something in front of her feet pushing it toward the last male on the bike, and she got up and rode away in a different direction.   The last male stood still straddling his bike while watching all disappear and checking his surroundings. When he was at ease he reached down and scooped up the packet of whatever it was, placed it in his pocket as his bike was now slowly in motion in yet another direction.

No. This was not an act of violence, but in part it may have been fuel for violence at another time and place.

The next morning we enjoyed breakfast with our dear brother, Dewey Moede of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. Dewey shared his heart for his city and state, and implored that we pray.

I pray for Albuquerque and New Mexico as I pray for the cities and states of my beloved homeland. Believer, we must pray in these days of anger, hatred, and confusion in the streets of our land. Pray for the church in her sleepiness and self-satisfaction. May I share with you some things I pray for?

In no particular order:

I pray for the Spirit of Prayer to invade with power all the churches in this land which name the name above every name, Jesus Christ the LORD (Acts 1:14).

I pray for churches to be revived, quickened, or made alive again by the Holy Spirit through repentance leading toward humility, holiness causing unity among all God’s people.

This must happen!   Pray On!

“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills.” (Amos 9:13).

Beloved, when the Spirit- awakened Church is displayed in neighborhoods, towns, cities, and nation, light will shine the way of hope and escape to a disillusioned and discouraged world.  The Master is waiting for His church to take the task when we are willing to use the anguish, sorrow, and necessity of this sin-sick, dark, present world to change our inactive displeasure into dynamic, fervent, effectual, desperate intercessions for the land.

“And I sought for a man among them, that should
make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should
not destroy it: but I found none.”
 (Ezekiel 22:30)

Church, you are the conduit God prefers to use to bring the world to Himself.   Pray On!

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