Edgewood Father’s Day Car Show Raises $2,892.57 For Care Net!!!


We give all Praise and Glory to God!!! Amen!

Tony Jr. Jaramillo gives a recap of the AWESOME Father’s Day Car Show! Congrats to Tony and his crew!

It’s a wrap! The 2019 Edgewood, NM 16th Annual Father’s Day Car Show is in the books . The show was a big success with over 298 entered and another 90 just showed up but didn’t register. Over 3,000 people attending the show were very pleased, $10,000 in prizes were given away and $2,892.57 was raised for Care Net East Mountain.

Care Net had their new mobile unit on display, it was awesome! Over 180 awards were given away.

Thank you all for your prayers and support!

Pastor Dewey Note: FGGAM was so very super blessed to once again this year be one of the sponsors!!! We thank God for this opportunity! Thank you Tony! We love Tony and are so very thankful for all he does for the community of Edgewood!


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