Are You Searching? Believe…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Are You Searching? Believe…


Good morning beautiful people. Are you searching today for answers to life’s problems? We all walk through circumstances that are tough during our vapor of life here on earth. There is a man, Jesus, that will journey every place, even the tough places with you. He will bring you to the other side.

There is nothing that you can’t talk to Him about (pray). There is nothing that you have done or will ever do that can separate you from the love of God. Can you believe this? Can you receive this? It is true. Let’s pray:

Father, thank you that you loved people enough to die for them. It is the best news this world has ever received. Thank you for tearing down strongholds of unbelief today. Thank you for changing mindsets.

Today, all across this globe we join our faith and speak hope to the person who is contemplating suicide. We declare you will live and not die, in Jesus name. We speak freedom according to John 8:36 whom the son sets free is free indeed to the person addicted. To every alcoholic, we declare sobriety in the name of Jesus.

We speak peace to troubled minds today, all across this globe. The love of Christ has come to set you free, believe.

Father, you said we have not because we ask not. (Ask, talk to Him about anything) We have asked and we receive. Thank you for pouring out your spirit. You are a good God. Thank you for mercy, thank you for grace.

Thank you for the abundant life. Fill our hearts to overflowing in Your presence today, so that the world may see that you are the answer to life’s many questions. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. You are loved with an everlasting love. Declare your freedom in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 13:8  Love never ends.




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