A Mother’s Work is never done.



‭I Samuel 1:11 NKJV‬

[11] Then she made a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head.”




A mother’s work is never done!


From the time of conception to the first signs of birth pangs, there is not a time that a mother’s care for her child is far.

The amazing miracle of birth!

The first embrace of mother and child.

Motherhood is a process. But even through that process it seems that somehow the Lord has put special abilities into mothers.

There is a strength that is undeniable.

There is a willingness for her to put away her desires and wants.

A mother never stops being a servant to her child, regardless of the situation or circumstance.

She feels deeply that their failures are her failures.  But a mother forgets that their accomplishments in some form are hers as well.


She shows the same love, kindness and compassion that is shown to her by Her Savior!

She will even give hope to their hopeless hearts even when she has none herself.

A mom will make vows to the Lord.

Vows that she has never made for herself or would dare ask.

Hannah, the mother of one of God’s greatest prophets Samuel, pleads for a child.

Her heart’s desire is for God to use her baby for His Kingdom.

Hannah promised her son to the work of the Lord. For however and whatever it was that the Lord desired.

This is a brave thing to do. It is hard for a mother to give up the care of her child to serve God.

Hannah had taken this sweet and amazing gift from God and gave this gift back to the Lord to be used in a greater way.

It takes courage to leave your child in the Hands of the Lord.

It takes trust.

It takes faith.

But it also takes love.


Even if she does not realize it, she guides them towards Righteousness.


At the end of the day the greatest reward is to see that the Lord has put His Mighty hand on them!


But the worry doesn’t just go away.

She pleads for their life and soul. She stands at the Throne of God in prayer. Sometimes in shouts and tears but most times in silence.

She carries the burdens that no other mother in the whole world could understand but can definitely relate.


As long as the Lord keeps them close to His side she is fine.

Her heart can rest.

She can take a deep breath.

Her mind is at ease, to a degree.

As long as her child follows the Great Shepherd she believes all will be well.

She knows what guidance and protection come from Him.

She knows that when the wolves come for her child the Shepherd will step in to protect.

She knows that when her child steps off the path the Shepherd will leave and search just for them and bring them back into His fold!

She knows that there is only so much she can do, but the Shepherd can do it all.

She depends on Him to be their foundation, fortress and strength.

She pours all her wisdom and knowledge in her heart into theirs!

A mother knows there is a certain wisdom and knowledge that can only be provided by the Spirit of the Lord, so she guides them to Him.

She hopes to comfort them all of her days.

But is humble just enough to know that Jesus offers a comfort that she can’t provide.

She affirms them and encourages them even when she has no affirmation or encouragement herself.

At the same time the Lord offers the mother the same thing. But she is unwilling to accept until she is certain that her child is taken care of first!

The hardest thing for a mother to do is to leave her children in the same Hands that she rests in!

But she knows that she has no choice but to do it. She has to have the same trust that the Mighty Hand that holds her will also hold them!

She finds comfort in her heart as long as the Lord holds one hand and she is able to hold the other!

Then her Lord brings her comfort and rest. Then He strengthens her.

The Lord will give her the wisdom she needs for the time it is needed.


A mother must remember that the same love, protection and comfort that she offers her baby is the same that that the Lord is offering her!

But she must be willing to accept it.


He heals her heart. All so she can do it again tomorrow!


A mother’s work is never done.

The responsibility is great but the reward is greater.

The pain and hurt can be deep but His love and grace is deeper.

But God has made mother’s different.

As a man and father I will never understand this.

There is an endurance that goes unmatched.

There is a strength that comes from a place that is unknown to me.

There is a compassion that I have never felt.

There is a love that comes from the depths of the heart that I haven’t found yet.

Praise God that He has made you different!


‭I Samuel 1:26-28 NKJV‬

[26] And she said, “O my lord! As your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood by you here, praying to the Lord. [27] For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. [28] Therefore I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord.” So they worshiped the Lord there.



Thank you for always standing in the gap.

Thank you for the Sacrifices that you have made, knowing or unknowing.

Thank you for trusting in the Lord with the greatest gift He has given you!

The Lord never fails and He never disappoints.

A mother’s work is never done.

But rest assured that Jesus has accomplished all the work that needs to be done!



Happy Mothers Day!




Pastor Ed



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