The World We Live In Podcast: Beer at The Movies


Reno and DaisyDec. Drunk driving 1








KILLING INNOCENT LIVES! This is one of the news stories I wanted to get to before the week ran out! The headline on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal on Thursday stated that “Beer and Pizza Coming to The Movies” For heaven’s sake! When is this type of behavior going to end. Innocent people continue to die here in New Mexico because of drunk drivers! Many have been arrested 20 plus times and they are still driving. So now we are going to serve beer at the movies and feed into this deadly problem in our city and state? This makes no sense, this is just plain wrong! is this the message we want to send our children?

Picture is of a drunk driving accident in Albuquerque and of me and Reno and Daisy at the park yesterday talking to school children on a field trip. It seems that we keep putting our children, our future, at risk!



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