Sharing Jesus With Children in The Park


Reno and Daisy met these children at the park yesterday they were on a field trip! the teacher was so nice she let me talk to the children and I shared about how God has blessed them with a wonderful teacher and how they bless their teacher and told them about Reno and Daisy being rescue dogs, we had a good time! The children also wanted to hear about Reno and Daisy’s background. I told them about Reno being in a home with 30 other beagles, starving and sick, two time cancer survivor and Daisy being beaten by her owner, even shot with a BB gun! Our children are our most important asset. They really paid attention yesterday to me and Reno and Daisy. You see my friends, we need to hold up our children and teachers. Teachers  are such a valuable asset to our future. They have a very tough job, that has gotten harder with the fact that many homes are split up and in disarray. It was just a perfect day yesterday to stop and talk with the teacher and children and share Jesus and about life, it was short, but important. I encourage us all to always share Jesus with everyone. It is vital to the future of America and the world that Jesus be allowed back into the classrooms  of our children. One of the things we do here at FGGAM is take Reno and Daisy to minister to people, you should hear the ooh’s and awww’s….the sharing of love. Please pray about supporting our efforts for our Lord Jesus Christ. Donations have slowed down now for the past 5 months. Our ministry reaches out to the world through this website, news and inspiration, also through our preaching, teaching and counseling. Our podcasts here at FGGAM are being listened to in record numbers. We also are on internet radio, The Hub of New Mexico, I prepare messages for the program which is heard Monday through Friday at 11am and 3pm. Just read the testimonials about FGGAM that are posted in the “Testimonials about FGGAM” I do not like talking about all what we do, it can seem boastful, but we boast in the Lord. We are not a fancy dancy ministry with a building and staff, we have no debt, we have a reserve, but we need more support in reaching the thousands we do every month. We drive a donated car (projected to put 30,000 miles on again this year as we travel for Jesus) by Pastor Ruben and Lucy Gomez of Midland, Texas, we work out of our home and coordinate the efforts of our 45 volunteers. We live simply, I am in need of new dress clothes and just everyday living expenses that we have. But read what others say about FGGAM. TESTIMONIALS Maybe God wants us to be the size of ministry we are today and go forth with what we have? I do not know, I pray constantly for guidance. I hate asking for funds, as I did that for years in Christian radio, but our Board and advisers say we must ask. We need to hire a Timothy, I am up at 2:30am or 3:30am everyday, I pray for help and that we can pay an assistant. DONATE To get us back on track to where we need to be we need to have $2,000 a month in new donations, that is just 20 new folks at $100.00 a month, please pray, thank you! I know that times are very tough for most. Thank the Lord we have a strong core of support that enables us to stay above the line of debt. I weep as I write this because I do not like writing a letter like this. God Bless you all, Love Pastor Dewey and Sharon.

PS, If it were not for Sharon working as a full-time nurse FGGAM would not be possible.

Contact FGGAM

Pastor Dewey Moede
PO Box 65516
Albuquerque, NM 87193

Reno and Daisy

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