The Colorado Theater Gunman Gets a Joker’s Sentence


The 27-year-old gunman who shot up an Aurora, Colorado movie theater’s midnight showing of batman three years ago is getting a Joker’s sentence for killing 12 people and wounding many others.

The same jury that found the deranged killer guilty last month could not agree to give him the death penalty and so the most the judge could sentence is 12 life terms without the possibility of parole and 3,318 years.

The judge in the case made a revealing statement, “Had a death sentence been imposed, I can promise you this case would have been pending before this court and in the appellate courts for years, if not decades.”

That statement is true because of the godless influence in recent decades that have devalued human life to the point that a mass murderer’s life is not forfeit for the lives he or she has taken. The thinking is drawn from the same satanic influence that brought us abortion during the same time period.

The Lord commanded that human life was so valuable that when a person murdered another person the state was to execute that person, but these days a Swedish man murders 77 people and only gets 21 years in prison so that he has the chance to be rehabilitated.

The point of the death penalty is not revenge or even to be a deterrent to other crimes. The death penalty is the command of God to the state to display the value of human life, period. There are of course, other benefits but that is not the why nations are charged with this punishment.

It is the devaluation of human life that caused the jury to be unable to reach a decision on the Colorado theater shooter, it is the devaluation of life that is causing many states when run by godless leaders to remove the death penalty altogether.

This is why so many are given over to sin and selfishness and why we see more mass murder in today’s America.

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