New Mexico Rally For Life

We are pleased to announce that the New Mexico Rally for Life will feature,
for the first time, a Pro-Life Praise & Worship event at the Santa Fe Plaza from
11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on January 21, 2015 

prior to the March to the Roundhouse for the Rally for Life.

Praise & Worship @ the Plaza



The interdenominational service will include musical performance by Jesus First Transformation Warehouse and a lineup of other speakers. It is open to all want to attend before the Noon Sanctity of Life Mass or for those not participating in the Mass. View NM Rally for Life flyer.


After the Mass, Rally attendees will march from the St. Francis Cathedral to the Plaza where they will join those at the concert. From there, the March will continue to the Roundhouse for the New Mexico Rally for Life at Capitol.


The New Mexico Rally for Life is a diverse group of women and men from all religions, or even no religion, both young and old alike. We are reaching ALL who believe in protecting women and innocent human life from the danger or abortion, especially in New Mexico where unfortunately abortion is legal for all nine months of pregnancy.


Continue to spread the word to your family and friends, and stay tuned as we will have more exciting developments to announce! Remember “Like” us on Facebook and signup for email updates at





New Mexico Rally for Life Team

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The New Mexico Rally for Life is sponsored by Project Defending Life (PDL), Albuquerque’s pregnancy resource center located next to Planned Parenthood’s abortion center. PDLoffers a variety of life saving services to mothers in crisis pregnancies.  

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