Albuquerque Public Schools Keeps Doing The Same Stupid Things


Does it bother you that it seems Albuquerque Public Schools moves from one crises to another……it seems to be a School District in constant crisis. To me it’s all about leadership. When I moved here in 1995 the School District was in crisis……and it seems every week the District is in damage control. What was it, two weeks ago? Headlines blared away that thousands of students leave APS yearly, as dropouts, but we expect teachers to teach?  Once again  Superintendent Winston Brooks and the School Board are in the news for all the wrong reasons as school starts. Mr. Brooks seems to be in “hot water” too much of the time. Is it time, as I have stated for years, to break up APS, into two or three districts? It’s to big! Unmanageable, and that is proved every week!  The APS Board debated Brook’s fate last night in a meeting where a APS Police Officer, Deputy Chief Carla Gandara was on guard outside the closed door meeting. Really? Is this what we have become as a society?  Us tax payers have no idea whats going on because the School Board is not talking to  us. What don’t we understand about an institution being in constant crisis? It is doomed to fail and sadly APS has failed, just look at the stats. With this constant monkey business  going on how do we expect the teachers to teach and the students to learn? The environment at APS is sick. Where are the role models? I believe they are in the classrooms trying to teach through this muck. Sadly,  It seems to me that APS as a whole is being led the natural mind, the natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The natural mind walks a path of hopelessness and self-destruction. Human history shows that the natural mind becomes progressively self-destructive if left to its own desires. The Bible calls the mind of the natural mind “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5 and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18.

As we used to say in the “Old School” look at the scoreboard, APS has failed, meaning we have and are failing our children. We have created a bad environment.

The answer is always Jesus Christ, the one and only solution to all problems, but now I have come to realize that this answer is to simple for the “natural mind”

Forrest Gump: Stupid is as stupid does.

It seems that APS keeps doing the same stupid things over and over and expects different results!

Read more here on those same stupid things:

Albuquerque Public School Supt. Brooks Goes Nuts on Twitter!

School starts tomorrow at APS and look at this story from KOB TV: 170 APS vacant teaching positions to still be filled

And more APS dysfunction: Hearing set for former Sandia High AD in planted pipe case

Two issues that the Lord has us focused on here in New Mexico is Crime and Education.

You cannot have a successful society, even in secular terms, when you have high crime and a failing educational system. First of all the leaders of New Mexico need to face the problem from a Godly viewpoint, not their natural minds. We need to restore order here in New Mexico, have a revival, a prayer meeting with all, a prayer meeting involving Republicans and Democrats, your constant bickering back and forth has gotten this state nowhere, in fact it just makes matters worse. Hearts need to be given to the Lord, order restored by hiring more law enforcement officers with higher pay, splitting up the Albuquerque School District into 2 or 3 districts.  Get the politics out of education and follow biblical principles, bringing God back into the classroom and paying teachers more. I talk to law enforcement officers and teachers on a constant basis, I know how the feel about this current, dysfunctional system in New Mexico. By doing this crime will start to go down over a period of time and the educational system will improve because God will be leading the way. Democrats and Republicans: Quit your constant political bickering, you are burying this state!

To read more on violent crime in Albuquerque and New Mexico go here:

Albuquerque Murder Suspect Kills Himself

News and Views-Dewey

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