This story touches my heart and soul in so many ways. First, I come from a family of fighters! My Grandpa Chris Moede served on the Fire Dept. in my hometown of Windom, Minnesota in the very late 1890’s until his death in 1938 when he passed into heaven. My daddy, Wally Moede, served from 1950 until 1982. Dad would have continued to serve but the department had a very dumb retirement requirement at age 55. UGH! They lost two other longtime firefighters at that time, John Paulson and John Galle. I also was a fireman in the mid 80’s for the Osceola, Indiana Fire Department. I only served 2 1/2 years or three? I am getting old, I cannot remember exactly! I left the force because we moved.
I grew up in a family that served its country and community. My Dad and his 6 brothers, (Family of 13), served in WW II. Dad was a SGT. in The U.S. Marines, stationed in China. Dad came home and served the people of Windom. My Mom was head cook at Winfair Elementary. It is in my blood to serve all people! I try do do it in the LOVE AND ACCOUNTABILY TO JESUS! AMEN!
Are you serving your community? Or do you expect to be served? Please be the hands and feet of JESUS in your community! Too many folks in America have become lazy! Get your hands dirty! Get to work!

This may be the best story of the year! LOVE IT! SUPPORT YOU FIRE DEPT AND POLICE DEPT. Many Fire Departments have a huge shortage of firefighters! I love Sam Sloan!!! He is my new hero! AWESOME! We need more Sam Sloan’s in America!
NBC News
George Solis and Rebecca Cohen
A 91-year-old’s $500,000 donation has saved a tiny Missouri volunteer fire company from certain doom.
In April, Sam Sloan decided to make good on a promise he made to himself decades ago when he got out of the cattle and seed processing business: donate to the Calhoun Volunteer Fire Department.
“They need the money once I had the money. I’d been saving money for a long time,” Sloan said Thursday.
Sloan had an idea of the how cash-strapped the fire company was because he lives about 2 miles from it. More Here
GLORY! New Mexican WW II Veteran to Celebrate Her 103rd Birthday!!