Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
I want to remind you that if all images do not show on your CUP, please go to FGGAM.ORG for full living color!!! LOL! LOL!
Friends, the Lord wants me to share this with you….The man who walks with God always gets to his destination. It is simple as that! I was talking with a Barbara Gould yesterday and she said, We ten to make the gospel of Jesus Christ complicated.” Amen to that, walk with the Lord and you can’t go wrong!
As my friend Ed Moore said to me once, “How are you and the Lord getting along?” So today I ask you, how are you and the Lord getting along?
We love you, we pray for you, we pray over all your names everyday as we perk the CUP for you…….I look at the address book and pray over the names.
Without peace in our lives we usually stir things up more. We over-react to insignificant problems, we snap at people, we are abrupt with ones we love. I’ve learned that I need to let God quiet me with His love, or else I lean towards being critical and confrontational. I’ve also learned that when I’m resisting God’s peace in my life, I tend to seek things, but when I’m walking in His peace, things just aren’t that important. That is why Paul said, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. Col 3:15
The Lord is still molding me..I continue to learn His ways… walk gets stronger everyday..I love to lean the ways of the Lord! Amen! It is truly the most exciting thing to experience! Amen!
Please pray for Anthony Tafoya, his Mom, Susan Tafoya, has lung cancer. We pray healing over Susan in Jesus name Amen! Susan has moved in with Anthony and his family. Anthony you will be blessed by the writing on Vincy that is in this CUP….read on Bro! “Taking Care Of Our Elderly Parents”
Please pray for our friend Gary Gonzalez’s Mom, she fell on her face, was sent to the hospital. We pray healing over her.
Please pray for our Son Lar’s. As many of you know, Lars just graduated and now needs a full time job in his field of cinematography. he has been on a movie set for a few days in Chicago, to stay sharp, as he says. But would you please pray for a full time job for Lars? Thank you so much!
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This post is by Vincy Willamowski who is a very popular personality on WFRN Christian music Radio in South Bend/Elkhart, Indiana. I was a manager at WFRN and it was one of the most exciting times in my life! I left nearly 20 years ago and still miss the place! Vincy is such a strong women of God, I am grateful to our Lord to call her my friend! She is one of the most popular voices ever on WFRN, because of her continued testimony of the greatness of God. This is such a strong post by a strong women: 

I don’t get on my soapbox often, but it’s about to happen, so if you’re easily offended…I wouldn’t keep reading
To those of you that take care of an ill parent, or a parent that cannot fend for themselves….I want to applaud you, I want to hug you, I want to CELEBRATE you! YOU are doing what few will, and honestly what few can. You have taken a stand, whether it’s bc they can’t pay for care…or simply bc you care THAT much….you are fighting for their happiness.
It’s tiring…isn’t it? It’s impossible to count the appointments, meals, the utter crazy amount of time that you spend fending off the sickness, hopelessness, the years as they creep closer to taking that parent away.
The role reversal is so hard. You are negotiating waters where that parent has become more like a child. Coming to you for advice, for help, for simple life skills that used to come so easy.
So you do what you have to do. You scrub the sheets, you pick them up off the floor when they fall out of bed…you wipe their tears when they’re hitting a wall of feeling so dependent. You do it. You don’t do it for a reward. No one except God sees the extent of the sacrifice…but you do it anyway.
And when they apologize…you smile and you tell them it’s okay. Because it IS. This…what you are doing, what I am doing…is DAILY unconditional love. It is giving up our time, and so much of who we are…to someone that can no longer give to us.
I do it imperfectly. I wish that I was more patient with my mom, more loving, more sacrificial…but I am HERE. I have made the choice that SHE is more important than “easy”. She is more important than just allowing myself to be her daughter, I get the PRIVILEGE to be so much more.
If you know someone that is fighting this fight….tell them good job. Even if you don’t know them well. Encourage them. Pray for them. HELP them. Whether they ask or not. HELP them, bc they are walking a rugged road. I’ve been on this road for 10 years, with 6 kids, and those that have come along side me…are priceless. Many are NOT family, and yet they have chosen to BLESS my family with their offering. You know who you are, and I am forever in your debt. You gave your love and time, you stood in the gap for me.
And if you are in a family that has a failing parent….stand up and do something. Stop saying trite things and expressing gratitude…but doing absolutely nothing. This might step on toes, and I’m fine with that…DO something. Stop hiding behind your own schedule. Quit being more of a burden, come help them out and EASE their burden. Justification is only to rid yourself of guilt. What is an hour when the caretaker has them ALL the time? It doesn’t take much…it just takes something.
Loving this way, has challenged me to the end of myself. It has broken much of who I thought I needed to be, and is helping me be more of who I hoped I could become. Although difficult, it has been one of the greatest treasures in my life. One day, when this season is over, I will look back and thank GOD that I did this. I will look back and KNOW that I gave it all that I had…as imperfect as that is. One day, I will WISH that I could hold my mom one more time, make her one more meal, kiss her forehead when she’s sad, clean her sheets when she’s been sick. One day I will LONG for this gift. And until then I will fight for her happiness…and the whole time I’m sacrificing for her….she is helping me know pure joy…..
It’s tiring…isn’t it? It’s impossible to count the appointments, meals, the utter crazy amount of time that you spend fending off the sickness, hopelessness, the years as they creep closer to taking that parent away.
The role reversal is so hard. You are negotiating waters where that parent has become more like a child. Coming to you for advice, for help, for simple life skills that used to come so easy.
So you do what you have to do. You scrub the sheets, you pick them up off the floor when they fall out of bed…you wipe their tears when they’re hitting a wall of feeling so dependent. You do it. You don’t do it for a reward. No one except God sees the extent of the sacrifice…but you do it anyway.
And when they apologize…you smile and you tell them it’s okay. Because it IS. This…what you are doing, what I am doing…is DAILY unconditional love. It is giving up our time, and so much of who we are…to someone that can no longer give to us.
I do it imperfectly. I wish that I was more patient with my mom, more loving, more sacrificial…but I am HERE. I have made the choice that SHE is more important than “easy”. She is more important than just allowing myself to be her daughter, I get the PRIVILEGE to be so much more.
If you know someone that is fighting this fight….tell them good job. Even if you don’t know them well. Encourage them. Pray for them. HELP them. Whether they ask or not. HELP them, bc they are walking a rugged road. I’ve been on this road for 10 years, with 6 kids, and those that have come along side me…are priceless. Many are NOT family, and yet they have chosen to BLESS my family with their offering. You know who you are, and I am forever in your debt. You gave your love and time, you stood in the gap for me.
And if you are in a family that has a failing parent….stand up and do something. Stop saying trite things and expressing gratitude…but doing absolutely nothing. This might step on toes, and I’m fine with that…DO something. Stop hiding behind your own schedule. Quit being more of a burden, come help them out and EASE their burden. Justification is only to rid yourself of guilt. What is an hour when the caretaker has them ALL the time? It doesn’t take much…it just takes something.
Loving this way, has challenged me to the end of myself. It has broken much of who I thought I needed to be, and is helping me be more of who I hoped I could become. Although difficult, it has been one of the greatest treasures in my life. One day, when this season is over, I will look back and thank GOD that I did this. I will look back and KNOW that I gave it all that I had…as imperfect as that is. One day, I will WISH that I could hold my mom one more time, make her one more meal, kiss her forehead when she’s sad, clean her sheets when she’s been sick. One day I will LONG for this gift. And until then I will fight for her happiness…and the whole time I’m sacrificing for her….she is helping me know pure joy…..
Thank you for stopping by for a CUP!
For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team!
Let us keep praying for each other and our families! Amen!
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Thank you,Dewey Moede
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