New Bill would Protect ‘Gender Transitioning’ in the Workplace


US_Capitol_BuildingThe Bizarro World continues to expand as the LGBT community works to protect, as a special class, its behavior. Senators and congressmen are working behind the scenes and under the radar to change protective status even if it means destroying the American economy.

The U.S. Senate will take up a gay-rights bill next week that protects those undergoing “gender transitioning” in the workplace.

According to The Hill’s Floor Action Blog, the Senate will hold a key procedural vote Monday on Sen. Jeff Merkley’s (D-Ore.) Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), a piece of legislation aimed at protecting gay and bisexual rights in the workplace.

Section 8 of the bill discusses “‘gender transition” and prevents employers from fully enforcing “reasonable dress or grooming standards.”

Instead, an employer who is told by an employee that they are “undergoing gender transition” must allow that individual to dress as the gender “to which the employee has transitioned or is transitioning.”

The Hill notes that the bill does not define “gender transition.”

Exactly why we allow our government to impose immorality on us is beyond me. Remember, the congress is not to enact any law that restricts the free exorcise of religion, and yet they are.

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