I have stage 4 cancer…..I want to help others


buffy and RenoThis was sent to us today by our Dear friend Rick Stambaugh. Rick lives in Albuquerque I met him over a year ago. Our friendship grew because of our love for dogs. I find that Buffy and Reno minister to folks in such a loving way, unconditional love to all. Rick just loves Buffy and Reno and his own dogs. Buffy, Reno and I would visit Rick at the store he managed and through our visits we had, he came back to Jesus and  he went to a church to hear me Preach one Sunday, Christ Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho. The Church led by Pastor Marty and Paulette Cooper and Elder Mable Lopez.  Rick and his lovely wife Sandy are now members of that church. We love them so. Rick has stage 4 cancer, but as he tell’s me, he has nothing to worry about, because he has Jesus Christ Our Lord. We continue to pray healing over Rick, in Jesus name, Amen! Rick has a meeting with his Doctors on Monday to see the results of the treatments he has undergone. Please keep this in your prayers! We love you Rick and Sandy!

Here is what Rick wants to share with you:

Not writing this to draw attention to myself or my situation but found this article which is well written and is very informative for folks who may have a friend or even a family member who has been diagnosed with or who is undergoing treatment for cancer.  This particular article is with reference to someone with Breast Cancer but having read through it, I find almost all information contained within the article to be pretty much applicable to most any type of cancer after having undergone the treatment and talking with many other cancer patients I’ve come in contact with during that process.  I’m sure there are feelings and/or emotions involved with a women’s having breast cancer that I myself do not understand but most of the information I read is a good background for anyone with cancer.

Like I said, while I am not suffering from breast cancer, I am in treatment for Stage IV Lung Cancer which has also spread rather extensively through the lymph system in my chest, throat and neck.  All testing prior to commencement of my treatments did not, and remain hopeful that it hasn’t, spread to any other major organs or into the brain itself.  Surgery, in my situation, was ruled ‘inoperable’ but have been through a few surgeries for a number of other issues; 9 total now I think.  I have however, undergone 3 months of daily radiation & chemo treatments and this upcoming week we’ll get the results of follow-up scans and testing to see how effective the treatment process was which is a heart wrenching process of waiting all in itself.Having had heart attacks, strokes, lung surgeries amongst a few other things, I can tell you without question that having cancer of almost any kind and undergoing treatment for same is something all in itself and totally different from most other illnesses.  Basically, the only thing I could add to the article is that chemo & radiation, especially over an extended period of time, puts you in a world that the word ‘Misery’ does not begin to describe and hopefully this will help someone through helping someone get through the process.  I think the biggest thing I could add would be that while in chemo & radiation treatments you feel different from different symptoms almost continuously and that can be a minute by minute situation.  You’ll feel good enough one second that the thought of a trip to the store might be OK and that by the time you’re half dressed your wondering why on earth you ever dreamed of trying it !

  • Help someone w/ breast                   cancer

    Click Here: Help someone w/ breast cancer

  • Here is an update on Rick’s condition! PRAISE GOD!

  • PRAISE GOD !  Prayers work & Miracles happen !!!Just got back from the Oncologist Office with some extremely good news. Actually got back a little while ago but needed to place a few calls to immediate family first prior to reporting this.

    It is still way too early to call it remission, but the scan results are in and they are GOOD !   I have literally gone from Stage 4 lung cancer which spread rather extensively through lymph nodes throughout my chest, throat and neck to: “we can not find any ‘active’ cancer cells” from the pet/ct.  The Oncologist himself was in SHOCK !!!

    Now, this does not mean I’m cured but does mean exactly what it says; no active cells at present. Realistically, there is not a cure for cancer other than surgical removal and that’s not necessarily 100% accurate. The cells, which were cancerous, are still there but they are not dividing & multiplying and do not presently show signs of life; (They did not “light” up during the scan). It will come back but there is NO WAY of knowing when. It just kind of hangs over you now till it does come back or until you pass of other causes. It could come back in a month, a year, a decade or next century. There just is no way of knowing when. Many report you’re ‘cured’ after two years, or five years, etc. which is not necessarily accurate. Many will set a time line for a mental satisfaction but in reality it’s kind of like having MS as my brother says; it may not be active but it’s still in there and may or may not come back for you at a later date.

    Now, as stated before, since I’m not going to have information to enter on even a semi-regular basis, I will not be making any more entries on Caring Bridge since they will be few and far between. I will however, put out emails to my regular family or friends on an infrequent basis. If anyone desires to be added to the address list please let me know & I’ll add you.  You may respond to itsjustrick@q.com with your information. I will leave the site up for a couple days in case anyone would like to make a comment.

    So, where do we go from here. Every six months I will need to have another pet/ct to see if it’s back or not and if so, how far it might have reached. I will also be required to see my family doctor on a monthly basis, the lung specialists intermittently and Oncology every three months!

    For now, I THANK YOU ALL for your precious PRAYERS !  Know they worked !!!

    LOVE & GOD BLESS TO ALL !!!!!!



  1. I am so very proud of my son, Richard. My heart brims over with love and admiration for how well he has handled this illness.

  2. Dear Harriett, Your son is an inspiration to so many! He helps inspire me and so many others everyday! He is a leader at his church! He is BOLD about his faith in our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen! God Bless you Harriett, what a blessing to have a son like Rick and I know he considers it an extreme blessing to have a Mother like you! Love yo you all!

  3. My love and prayers to Rick. The one thing cancer has taught me through my dad, my own battle and through my neighbor is that “Greater is HE who is in “me” “us” than he that is in the world” and the JOY of the LORD is supernatural strength. The cancer is ugly and the treatment is … YET, still at the same time there is a God who is with us through it all with a supernatural Peace & Joy that strengthens the soul. Now, my dad and my neighbor have made it to Heaven! But the battle was won! The COMPLETE HEALING that requires more faith and a bigger Trust from those of us “awaiting the same one day”! Now, I realize that the real battle is fighting day to day to live well in Christ, & not give in, but to do the will of the Father and to finish His work … only as the Spirit leads, only in the power of the Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus and only by knowing that Christ has given us a purpose with a job to do. This proof from those like Rick (and I will attest to the same) going through these things with a certainty in their faith (not so much a need, but an experience with strength, peace and joy that CAN really BE FOUND with God ) is proof to the world that God will never leave “me” “us” when we just believe and trust on God! Watching my dad and my neighbor … as well as my own experience has strengthened me in my own faith. More proof of Romans 8:28! More proof of John 3:16 & 17 & we have a job to do. More proof of Jude 1:20 in action in my life! Thank you Rick for your testimony and I pray that this encourages you in your day as well as brings glory to God to perhaps, I believe that the Holy Spirit will move to help another just believe and place their faith, hope and trust in God and also, His Son, Jesus Christ our savior and Lord. Love in Christ, Karen Rowe http://www.hopeintoday.com

  4. I thank you all for your kind words, thoughts & prayers. Although, my intent was not to try to draw attention to myself but to try to possibly help anyone with a friend or family member going through such trying times. Karen, your words above are so very very true and expressed in ways I’m not mentally able to place in writing so well as you have. And oh, so very true. Trust in GOD and HIS power and HE will see you through and provide you with a TRUE PEACE in your heart such as you have NEVER experienced before! Now, (to make it about me! LOL), as evidenced by my test results yesterday, prayers work and I consider myself as having received a FULL MIRACLE through this process by HIS work!!! Again, thank you all and let’s all give a special prayer today for Andra Wilmon and her family and especially for her daughter Leah who is presently undergoing radiation treatment in Texas. Through (and with) GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE !!! LOVE & GOD BLESS TO ALL !!!

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