Prayer should not be merely an act, but an attitude of life. Billy Graham


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Dear Family of our =
Lord Jesus Christ,

Good Morning you you and yours!

When you try to figure out everything, you=E2=80=99re exalting your reasoni=
ng above God=E2=80=99s thoughts and plans for your life.

There is despair and hopelessness on every hand. Let us be faithful in proclaimi=
ng the hope that is in Jesus! The words of Billy Graham

To start our=
day a great message from Bill Graham……………

Billy Graham: Real Hope Starts wit=
h Prayer


February 26, 2013 – “The goal is to share the love a=
nd hope of the Gospel with people in every corner of America, in every neig=
hborhood possible, during 2013,” Billy Graham writes in his new prayer lett=

Our world today desperately hungers for hope, and yet =
uncounted people have almost given up. There is despair and 
hopelessness on every hand. Let us be faithful in proclai=
ming the hope that is in Jesus.
By Billy Graham
Dear Friend=
A few weeks=
ago I received an invitation to join some old friends, people I=E2=80=99ve=
known for years, at a dinner in Washington. I didn=E2=80=99t feel I had th=
e stamina to make the trip, so Franklin went in my place.
He gave the=
opening prayer. After dinner a nationally respected opinion researcher, a =
pollster, walked over and said, =E2=80=9CFranklin, this should be a year of=
great harvest. This really is a perfect time to show people the path to re=
al hope.=E2=80=9D He explained that he constantly monitors what Americans a=
re thinking. =E2=80=9CI can tell you that anxiety is extraordinarily high r=
ight now among Americans. Fear is crowding out hope in so many people=E2=80=
=99s lives. People are anxious about everything, especially about the futur=
You and I s=
imply need to look around us to know this is true. I feel a deep burden for=
so many Americans who live with no lasting hope.
We can help=
them find it.
Start with =
prayer=E2=80=94my prayers and your prayers. As Christians, we often pray fo=
r the sick, for each other, for the nation, and many regularly pray for =E2=
=80=9Cthe lost,=E2=80=9D but we should also pray by name for specific lost =
In the fami=
liar parable Jesus told about the lost sheep (see Luke 15), the shepherd di=
d not go out to see if he could find just any stray sheep he might come acr=
oss. He went searching for a sheep, a particular sheep. Pray that way, for =
specific lost people.
We may pray=
for a person to find God, but Jesus said it the other way around=E2=80=94H=
e said that He came =E2=80=9Cto seek and to save the lost=E2=80=9D (Luke 19=
:10, NIV). Jesus does the seeking, and the Holy Spirit opens a person=E2=80=
=99s heart. That=E2=80=99s what we should be praying for. The first convert=
to Christ in Europe, that we know about, was a businesswoman in Ephesus na=
med Lydia, a dealer in fine fabric. The Bible says God =E2=80=9Copened her =
heart to respond to the things spoken=E2=80=9D (Acts 16:14, NASB). There is=
no other way to get an unsaved person to respond. It took me years to unde=
rstand this. We may pray for the preaching and pray for someone to turn to =
God, but the preaching will have little effect and the person will not make=
a decision to turn without the Holy Spirit.
When we pra=
y urgently and faithfully by name for lost people we truly care about, aski=
ng God to reach them, God works=E2=80=94often in unique and unexpected ways=
=E2=80=94to open hearts to Himself.
If you are =
praying in this way, not once or twice, but persistently, for people you kn=
ow who need Jesus Christ in their lives, you are already participating in t=
he first key step of My Hope, a nationwide =
outreach BGEA has launched in partnership with churches across our land.

The goal is=
to share the love and hope of the Gospel with people in every corner of Am=
erica, in every neighborhood possible, during 2013. The outreach will culmi=
nate in November when Christians from all over the country=E2=80=94hopefull=
y including you=E2=80=94invite some of those on their prayer list to join t=
hem in watching a message I am preparing as part of a special nationwide&nb=
sp;My Hope TV program. Over the next few weeks you can watch =
an example of a My Hope evangelistic broadcast on many c=
able channels.
I pray God =
will call you to be part of this outreach. America is a large country fille=
d with people who need Jesus Christ, and the task is enormous. We ask for b=
oth your prayers and your gifts for the My Hope project.
Only the po=
wer of the Gospel can change a heart or a nation. Will you join me, beginni=
ng today, to pray for our nation by praying for specific people you know, a=
sking God to seek them and draw them to Himself?
 Billy Graham
P.S. For a =
good part of my adult life, I made it my personal practice to read five psa=
lms and one chapter of Proverbs each day. My friend and colleague George Wi=
lson, who managed our BGEA headquarters office for many years, put together=
a unique Scripture devotional book based on this pattern. We=E2=80=99ve re=
cently updated the book, and when you send a gift to BGEA this month, we wo=
uld like to send Words of Wisdom as our thank
Great words from Billy Graham. When I started in radio I used to play Billy=
‘s “Hour Of Decision”  on Sunday mornings on KGCX in Sidney, Mont=
ana. He helped grow me up in Christ! 
 Billy said this…………
Our world today desperately hungers for hop=
e, and yet uncounted people have almost given up. There is despair and&nbsp=
hopelessness =
on every hand. Let us be faithful in proclaiming the hope that is in Jesus!
This is what the Lord has sent us =
here at FGGAM to do………reach the lost………one person at a time….=
…. bringing the light of Jesus Christ to the world………..on=
e person at a time.
I was talking to Jerry Lucero yest=
erday of Indigio Mortgage, which is a supporter of FGGAM, that just as=
Billy Graham says, so many people are lost, without hope, do not have a Ch=
urch or Pastor, and we are helping get people reconnected with th=
e Body of Christ.
Yesterday was a bit tough, maybe m=
ore tougher than I realize but Billy also said this…….
I have never met anyone who spent =
time in daily prayer, and in the study of the Word of God, and was strong i=
n faith, who was ever discouraged for very long. AMEN to that! By mid-after=
noon after praying, talking with Sharon and Wanell Pate, and havi=
ng lunch with Gretchen I was back on track.
I call Kyle Martin Pastor/Founder=
of Time To Revive, a Billy Graham Jr., 
because Kyle reminds me so much of Billy out in the mission field holding revivals all over America and bringing others to=
Jesus Christ. I remember when Kyle was in Santa Fe, NM holding a revival a=
nd he told me that one night he was just weeping, wailing out to God for he=
lp, as he was being attacked by the Mayor of Santa Fe and the new=
spaper. That was me yesterday, wailing and calling out to God for help, and=
like Kyle, God also answered me and continues to do so.

Billy encourages us to read Acts 6=
:4……….We will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministr=
y of the word.
I also love this from Billy….We =
should not pray for God to be on our side, but pray that we may be on God’s=
side. AMEN! 
I encourage you to read the many b=
ooks that Billy has written. They will encourage you! Billy encourages us a=
ll to read into Psalms and Proverbs each day for encouragement, he has said=
many times that the book of Psalms and Proverbs helped him through the tou=
ghest parts of his life.
So as Billy Graham asks us to join=
him and pray for specific people…… let us make a list and pr=
ay over it many times each day.

March 5, 2013. =
You are blessed so that you may pass along the blessings of God to others w=
ho believe and who will yet believe. Your faith has made you whole. You are=
the redeemed of the Lord, sent to multiply and extend My blessings. It is =
now common in your life that you consistently are blessing others wherever =
you go. You are My ambassador of love and extender of blessings to Jews and=
Gentiles alike. The Lord says, “I am no respecter of persons. My love cove=
rs multitudes of sins. Bless the nations, even those who hate you. Bless th=
ose who are so different than you. Bless those of different color and those=
of different languages and cultures. It is My will that you do this and th=
us help fulfill My promises.”
Galatians 3:8-9 (NASB) “The Scrip=
ture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the=
gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, ‘ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED IN =
YOU.’ So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer=
.”  Ras Robinson

This story of love and devotion, even to the point of deat=
h, will touch you deeply. Nolan Keane was diagnosed with brain cancer at th=
e age of 24. He is 28 now and he has undergone eight surgeries and multiple=
rounds of chemotherapy. Recently, doctors determined that the cancer has s=
pread too far and there is nothing left to do for Nolan.
This tragic piece of news hasn’t stopped Nolan, a Division=
I baseball player, from wanting to live his life. He is determined to marr=
y his fianc=C3=A9, Morgan Carstens, and to take her on a honeymoon to Disne=
y World.

Unfortunately, the couple is struggling financially. The medical treatment =
for Nolan is expensive and Morgan quit her job as a nurse to take care of N=
olan. The couple is looking to donors to raise money for the wedding and ho=
neymoon; so far they have $12,000 raised. The donations have poured in from=
sympathetic, wonderful people from all over the globe. They hope to raise =
a total of $20,000 (via – and the money keeps fl=
owing in from people who are praying and hoping that this amazing couple ca=
n truly enjoy their last days together!

“Truly an amazing couple and an inspiration to all,” Cassi=
e, a donor who gave $100, wrote on the GiveForward page. “Enjoy this time t=
ogether and cherish every moment <3.”
“They truly define love and commitment,” Morgan=E2=80=99s =
sister, Jaclyn, said in an email statement to The Huffington Post. “When th=
ey look at one another you can see the incredible love they have for each o=
ther. They never ask for anything and deserve an incredible honeymoon [to] =
help forget about the bad things, even if it is for a moment.”

We ask you to please pray for Nolan and Morgan. This coupl=
e has been dragged through so much in their relationship. Cancer takes a to=
ll on more than the body it infects, it’s so inspiring to see this couple s=
till so in love and dedicated to one another.
(via and

For God’s Glory Alone in the Lov=
e of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Visit us today! 

If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link-
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. Be ass=
ured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help=
 in furthering 
the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
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