Albuquerque Area Storm Aftermath, by the numbers


tree downPeople are searching our site from all over the World to find out about the storm that hit the Albuquerque area Friday night. The winds that reached speeds of 91  were Hurricane 1.  The 89 mph wind speed at the Sunport (For all our readers around the World, the Sunport is the name of the Albuquerque Airport) was the strongest measured there since 1939! July is also the 10th wettest recorded at the Sunport, with 2.74 inches thus far.The amount of rain the Sunport received on Friday, 1.36 inches, also beat the 1939 record of 0.85.  Albuquerque is rated number 4 in the nation for tree death because of drought and disease, sadly the storm uprooted hundreds of trees in the Metro area. The amount of water that flowed at the Albuquerque Central Ave. bridge at around 10pm was 3,070 cubic feet per second. The highest flow since the spring runoff of 2010. We have looked at reports of the damages in the Metro area and we have seen estimates from a half million dollars to over a million dollars. I would expect once insurance adjusters are out next week the damages could be at 2 million or more. It really is hard right now to put a dollar estimate on damages, what does the loss of a  100 year old tree cost?  There are still 6,000 customers without power. PNM can’t say when all will have power restored.

If you are in need of sandbags you can get them at Albuquerque Fire stations: 1, 6, 7, 18, and 19.

Let us be in prayer for the PNM workers as they work so hard to restore power, and all that have been effected by this storm. in Jesus name, Amen!