Texas Legislators call for Criminal Investigation of Houston Abortionist






“If the abortion lobby thinks this issue is going away,


they are literally whistling past the graveyard.”


Mark Crutcher, President, Life Dynamics




Today, Life Dynamics Inc. a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, is commending Texas District 61, State Representative Phil King for calling for a full investigation of late term abortion doctor Douglas Karpen.




On May 3, 2013, Life Dynamics recorded an interview with three of Karpen’s former employees in which they admitted to participating in numerous instances in which babies were being born alive and killed during abortion procedures at Karpen’s Houston abortion clinic.




A portion of that interview can be viewed here:








Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fhyJItGPko&feature=youtu.be




After viewing the video, Rep. King sent a request to Life Dynamics for the unedited raw footage of the interview, which Life Dynamics provided on DVD.




Rep. King informed Life Dynamics that his office then mailed that DVD to Lt. Richard Kleczynski with the Homicide Division of the Houston Police Department.  He also sent a letter to Ms. Mari Robinson, executive director of the Texas Medical Board, and David L. Lakey MD.,  Commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services, requesting a full investigation.  These letters were co-signed by 20 Texas lawmakers (listed below).




We strongly support a full investigation into the allegations of Dr. Karpen.  As a state, we must ensure that the health and safety of women and children are being protected by laws and regulations in place,” King wrote to the agencies.




Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics, reacted to the King letter saying, “If the abortion lobby thinks this issue is going away, they are literally whistling past the graveyard.”




Crutcher continues, “One thing that was often overlooked about the conviction and life sentence recently given to abortionist Kermit Gosnell, is that eight of his employees also received long prison sentences for their roles in what he was doing.  Today, the abortion lobby is in “damage control mode” and telling anyone who will listen that Gosnell is an aberration and that every other abortionist in America is Mr. Clean.  But the people who actually work in these places know better, and they are beginning to fear that they could be the next ones dragged into a courtroom wearing handcuffs and leg irons.”






Partial transcript from the interview:






Clinic Worker: “ Most of the time we would see him where the fetus would come completely out and of course the fetus would still be alive because it was still moving, of course, you could see the stomach breathing and um that’s when he would do his um, he would snip the spine, as they were saying this doctor did and of course the soft spot was one of the spots that he um would take one of the forceps, or what is it called? The dilators and stick it down the soft spot of the fetuses head.”


Interviewer: “You saw this happen?”


Clinic worker: “Oh yes. I think every morning I saw on several occasions. If we had um, if we had 20 something patients, of course  maybe 10 or 12, or 13 or 15 would be large procedures –  out of those large procedures I’m pretty sure I was seeing 3 to 4 fetus that were completely delivered in some way or another.”


( View here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LBLQ9jYgFY_)






Interviewer: “You would see the baby alive”


Clinic Worker: “Yes, sir.”


Interviewer: “and him kill that baby outside the womb?”


Clinic worker: “Yes, sir”


Interviewer: “And this would be done by jamming some kind of instrument into the soft spot?”


Clinic worker: “Either that or actually twisting the head off the neck, kind of with his own bare hands?”


Interviewer: “And you saw that happen?”


Clinic worker: “Yes, sir”


Clinic Worker: “Sometimes he would go through the stomach as well”


Interviewer: “Sometimes he would do what?”


Clinic Worker: “He would like, force it through the stomach.”


Clinic Worker: “The, the instrument…”


Clinic Worker: “and he’d twist it”


Interviewer: “And you saw that?”


Clinic Worker: “anything that he could get to…like she said..”


Clinic Worker: “I normally saw either the snipping of the spine or the introduction of the instrument in the soft spot of the fetus normally or twisting of the neck”


Clinic Worker: “Remember he would like take his finger”


Clinic Worker: “Or his finger, he’d take his finger”


Clinic Worker: “uh, through the throat”


Clinic Worker: “Yeah”


( View clip Here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaBe6rsw1jY )




Watch several minutes of the clinic workers interview Here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fhyJItGPko&feature=youtu.be


View Rep. King’s Letters here – https://tinyurl.com/mqrgja8




Life Dynamics was founded in 1992 by Mark Crutcher and has gained a trusted reputation for ongoing research into the abortion industry.




About Life Dynamics: https://www.lifedynamics.com/Pro-life_Group/


Mark Crutcher’s Bio https://tinyurl.com/c6menuz




List of Legislatures who signed King’s letter:


Phil King
Linda Harper Brown
Dan Flynn
Jonathan Stickland
Rob Orr
Cindy Burkett
Stefanie Carter
James White
Allen Fletcher
Jodie Laubeneberg
Bryan Hughes
Bill Zedler
Jim Murphy
Ron Simmons
Craig Goldman
Charles Perry
Geanie Morrison
Ed Thompson
Harvey Hilderbran
Larry Phillips

Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst calls for the abortion clinic to be investigated ! https://daviddewhurst.com/blog/not-for-the-faint-of-heart

life dynamics

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