Son Broadcasting, Accountability and Scripture

Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
How are you doing this morning?We send our love to you and yours!
I have to say that Ted Gonzales of Son Broadcasting made my night last night by saying he reads the CUP everyday! Thank you Ted! That means a lot coming from you! We love you and yours!

Romans 14:12

So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Last night I attended the Son Broadcasting 30th Anniversary Celebration. Sharon was unable to go because of her illness.We are thankful for your prayers, she is getting better. Attending with me were FGGAM Board member Barbara Gould and supporters Sonia Haylett and Fern Bratcher.FGGAM Vice Chairman Bill Ruhl and his lovely wife Monica were also there. It was an excellent night in our Lord. WOW! FGGAM was recognized as one of the programmers on KDAZ AM730 12:05pm Mondays, The World We Live In. We were blessed to be there.The two speakers were so awesome! Ron Hembree of the TV program Quick Study spoke, and proved once again you can do an AWESOME sermon by reading the Word of God. WOW! I call it accountability scripture and I believe that more scripture needs to be read in Church, not just verses, but scriptures. Pastor Paul Holt told me once he had people complain that he read too much scripture in church!!! Ugh! Never possible! By the way Ron Hembree who is based in Canada can be seen on KCHF TV 11 at 5am, 7am, and 11:30am and heard on KDAZ AM730 at 6:30am. These are all weekday times. 
The featured speaker was Eric Stakelbeck of CBN News Terrorism Analyst and host of the TV program Watchman seen at 4:30pm Wednesday’s on KCHF TV 11. GET HIS BOOK! THE BROTHERHOOD AMERICA’S NEXT GREAT ENEMY! Eric stressed the Muslim Brotherhood is not at the gate, they are visiting the White House! They are planted, living in America to destroy us.Eric made the best foreign policy speech I have heard in what the last 30 years? Or ever? He put’s it on the line and speaks plain truth! 
Here is a post I did today at FGGAM.ORG www.fggam related to last night with New Mexico right in the mix……….
We have been saying this for years, It’s all about Politics and nothing do with the peoples business. Whether it is in Santa Fe at the Roundhouse or in D.C., politics, dirty politics and EGO! Ego stands for Edging God Out. Many of these elected folks need Jesus Christ. The Albuquerque Journal is reporting this morning that yesterday at a luncheon meeting of the New Mexico Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors the Governor said, “It’s all about politics, it has nothing to do with New Mexico. That’s why we’re at the bottom of all the bad lists.” The Governor went onto describe some Legislators as “great” and some as “fabulous”, she said there were others who are “dictators.”
Last night at the Son Broadcasting 30th Anniversary Celebration the featured speaker was Erick Stakelbeck of CBN News Terrorism Analyst and Host of the program Watchman. He is also author of a must read book, “THE BROTHERHOOD” America’s next great enemy. I bring him into this post because he said last night Israel’s help is not going to come from the UN or EU or President Obama, they are by themselves, being attacked everyday. It will come from us, if we rise up and let our voices be heard. We must rise up and speak for what is right, God’s way, not man’s. Eric urged us all to get involved in the issues of the day in our country, world, state and communities, call and write all of our Mayors, City Council, School Board members, State Legislators, Governors, all our folks in D.C. including the President. We must demand a return to Biblical principles.
We must vote out those that are in the dark!susanamartinez
We are going to hell in a hand basket because our state, our country has turned it’s back on God.
If you are not alarmed by what is going on in New Mexico, at the bottom of all the bad lists,  I feel sorry for you.
I am alarmed that The Albuquerque Journal is reporting this morning that one in four women in New Mexico is the victim of rape or sexual assault, that is more than enough to make me vomit! Think how God feels about that! 57 percent of the victims in cases filed by law enforcement agencies are children and adolescents, and almost three-quarters of the cases disposed of in the court system are dismissed because of problems that make a conviction highly unlikely.
I am alarmed! Are you? FGGAM will stand in the gap for God on all issues that are important to Him. We are in constant prayer for our state and our country. Let us not say God Bless America! He already has and we have turned our back on Him, let us say, AMERICA, BLESS GOD! AMERICA RETURN TO GOD! IN JESUS NAME AMEN!

Ephesians 6:12

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
 I am so very thankful for Eric Stakelbeck and Rod Hembree! I am thankful for Son Broadcasting and their solid Biblical programming. We at FGGAM are so very thankful to be a part of it!
I also saw old friends last night like Cindy Russell, not that your old Cindy, you look 29! Cindy used to do a health program on KKIM when I managed the station. Pastor Joey Basey! Chris Donnely of TVAC, Celina Lucero who used to work for me at KKIM! And many more friends! KKIM’s Frank Haley said he was going to be there but I did not see him! I was looking for his cowboy hat but didn’t see it! LOL LOL
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson was their last night and received a great round of applause from those gathered at the celebration.
Here is a prayer letter for us from our Dear Friend Angel Murchison of Destiny Moments:
Prayer Changes Things… Have You Prayed Today?

Life is busy, it surely is. The daily tasks of work, chores etc. keeps us moving faster than we like on this journey called life. According to the word of God, communication with our Heavenly Father is vital to sustain us. We all have needs, desires and places of devastation that need direct intervention from the creator of the universe himself. Have you spoken with him today? Take a few moments to thank him for your life and ask him to help you see his hand working on your behalf and the lives of others around you. Once you ask, keep your eyes and ears open, for he does answer prayer. Also be sensitive to impressions you may have in your mind, heart or both. Or maybe that person you keep accidentally running into, could it be for a reason? I always like to be a vessel that God could use each day. Today someone may need a hug, a dollar or two, food, milk, a simple smile or a kind word. Are you up to the challenge? Can u make your life here on earth count? Can life be more than just about your needs today? Everyone has something to offer this world, something good. What could you contribute today? Step out and move beyond your comfort zone and together let’s make the world a warmer place. You can do it, I know you can. Your heart will feel joy and before you know it you’ll want to live each day making life better for someone else and you’ll soon discover your life has improved as well. For you will reap what you sow and it will come back to you, it really will. I encourage you to pray this prayer along with me today:
This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Today I want to live an extraordinary life, not just the mundane every day tasks. I have a purpose and I want to fulfill it today. Lord show me someone that needs the hug, the smile, the dollar or two, the milk or kind word. I pray today the world would be a better place because I have made my contribution. Jesus you gave your only son that I may have life and have life more abundantly. I want to give out of the abundance of my heart today. Help me be sensitive to everything and everyone around me. I pray for the needs all across this globe. We join our faith together God and we offer ourselves as vessels for you to flow thru. Help me and all the readers across this globe God to leave our mark on this day. We join our faith together for folks that don’t know you that they will come to know you as Jesus lover of their soul. A wonderful loving Father that’s what you are and today we want the world to know your love that cost you everything and us nothing. Freely we received it, freely help us to give it away, for your glory Lord, your glory alone, Amen.
Are you ready? Go for it! Have a blessed day!
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 NIV

Thank you so much Angel! God Bless you and yours!
Here is a note from Pastor Brenton Franks about his Dad, Pastor Ray Franks who we have been praying for…………
I want to say a big “thank you” to every person who has and continued to surround our family with love during this long physical attack against my dad. This morning I was praying and felt lead to read in my personal devotions in Matthew where I had been reading. I have to say I was hoping the read would be about Lazarus rising from the dead, but it was not. It was in Matthew 27 where Jesus is about to be crucified. As I read along, I came to verse 19 which says, “Just then, as Pilate was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him this message: “Leave that innocent man alone. I suffered through a terrible nightmare about him last night.” As I read that, the Lord spoke into my heart “God works through dreams.” I share that because many of you have shared with me dreams that God has spoken to you about the situation with Pastor Ray. Many of them, although you would never know this, are similar in theme and content.

I know this journey for our church, friends, and family has been long and difficult. Pastor Ray has really reached the end of medial assistance and has to have God’s intervention. As we reach the end of a battle, sometimes we want to give up or resign ourselves to the fact that we cannot go on or whatever God has spoken to our hearts must have been our imagination. But, I want you today to know that God is still God. Men often come to the end of their line, but that is most often when God appears. God showed Himself strong for The Three Hebrew Children IN the furnace not on the outside of it; God showed Himself strong for Daniel IN the Lion’s Den not before he was thrown in; Peter was delivered from WITHIN prison, and Acts 12:5-6 says, “But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him. The night before Peter was to be placed on trial, he was asleep, fastened with two chains between two solders. Others stood guard at the prison gate.” Guess what happened next at that late hour…God sent an angel and delivered Peter.

I say the to remind you to stay strong to the end. God is never late. You and I would prefer for Him to be early, but He is always on time. I sense that this battle we have all endured and prayed about will have a surprise ending. Let’s just see what God wants to do, because when God works He does ALL THINGS WELL! At the end of the day, God will be God and all of us have to strive to give Him the ultimate praise no matter what our situation may be.

Although this has been a brutal and difficult fight against my dad’s health, it has been as much spiritual as physical. Even tonight the fight rages. My dad responds as we pray, but not much when we don’t. God has to do His work. It is outside of the natural physical limits of man. On Saturday, we anticipate a withdrawal of breathing assistance if a sharp increase in mental awareness is not seen. I would appreciate your prayers from 11:00 a.m. on Saturday until about 3:00 p.m. Our desire is for God to be glorified. Satan will not prevail. I rejoice in knowing that we can look to the King of All Creation and He will never fail us. Thank you for praying.

Have a blessed day in the Lord Jesus Christ. Know that God has good things ahead for you!

Brenton Franks
Lead Pastor Christian Evangel Center Albuquerque

We are praying for the Lord’s Will to be done! Amen! We also pray for strength and peace for the family, in Jesus name, Amen! We love Pastor Ray, his wife Becky and all the family so much!
Here is another great post by Shari Hardway Johnson. You will find so many other inspiring posts at FGGAM.ORG! ;
Postmaster Bob, in charge of undeliverable mail, received an envelope addressed to “God,” written in very shaky penmanship. Bob curiously opened the letter and read: “Dear God, its Ruth. As I’m sure you know I’m 84 years old and I recently lost my purse and any money that I had. Mother’s day is in a few weeks and I had already invited a few friends over for dinner after church on that Sunday. Without a miracle from you, I’m going to have to cancel. If it’s not too much to ask, could you please replace the $100.00 that I lost so that we can have our Mother’s day gathering as planned?”
Bob was so touched by the letter that he shared it with his coworkers and together they dug in their wallets and came up with $96.00 to send to Ruth. That entire day Bob’s heart overflowed, knowing God had used him to help Ruth out.
A few weeks passed by and another letter to “God” arrived. Bob now recognized Ruth’s shaking scribe and quickly opened it up. Bob read… “Dear God. Thank you so much for Your help with our Mother’s day party, it was a huge success! However… it was $4.00 short. Mostly likely those thieves that work in the post office have Your money.
God didn’t answer quite the way Ruth had intended. I’m sure her party lacked nothing, and if only she’d recognized the miracle that had taken place on her behalf, her celebration would have been that much greater!
A recent miracle of my own had me feeling a tad like Ruth. God answered my prayer, but I didn’t feel that I was “fully delivered” from my woes. I was in a “Thank You Jesus, but…” kind of mode. God had delivered me! If only I could get in the flesh without chastisement, I’d tell you. Please just take my word for it. But… because life wasn’t perfect, I was feeling a little short changed. I needed my $4.00. Oh… I feel nauseous to even say it. I mean God was soooooooooooooooooooooo Good to me. But I want to be honest, because perhaps you’ve been where I am, or you will be one day. And then today God spoke to me through His Word and I’m so grateful.
Isaiah 55:8-9 ~ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
God’s vantage point on my life is incomprehensive to me. His ways are not my ways, and His ways are never $4.00 short. I don’t know why Ruth received a $96.00 miracle instead of a $100.00 one. I have a feeling the $4.00 came along, right on time because God is not a 96% God, is a 100% God!
All I can say is “I’m human.”Sometimes I get in the flesh and it’s never good. I’m so grateful for His forgiveness of my abundance of shortfalls including $4.00 faith. Amen.
Thank you Shari!
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo, and families. Let us keep praying for each other and our families.
Visit us today!

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Thank you,

Dewey Moede

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