NM Gov. Martinez says,”It’s all about Politics, It has nothing to do with New Mexico”


We have been saying this for years, It’s all about Politics and nothing do with the peoples business. Whether it is in Santa Fe at the Roundhouse or in D.C., politics, dirty politics and EGO! Ego stands for Edging God Out. Many of these elected folks need Jesus Christ. The Albuquerque Journal is reporting this morning that yesterday at a luncheon meeting of the New Mexico Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors the Governor said, “It’s all about politics, it has nothing to do with New Mexico. That’s why we’re at the bottom of all the bad lists.” The Governor went onto describe some Legislators as “great” and some as “fabulous”, she said there were others who are “dictators.”

Last night at the Son Broadcasting 30th Anniversary Celebration the featured speaker was Erick Stakelbeck of CBN News Terrorism Analyst and Host of the program Watchman. He is also author of a must read book, “THE BROTHERHOOD” America’s next great enemy. I bring him into this post because he said last night Israel’s help is not going to come from the UN or EU or President Obama, they are by themselves, being attacked everyday. It will come from us, if we rise up and let our voices be heard. We must rise up and speak for what is right, God’s way, not man’s. Eric urged us all to get involved in the issues of the day in our country, world, state and communities, call and write all of our Mayors, City Council, School Board members, State Legislators, Governors, all our folks in D.C. including the President. We must demand a return to Biblical principles.

We must vote out those that are in the dark!susanamartinez

We are going to hell in a hand basket because our state, our country has turned it’s back on God.

If you are not alarmed by what is going on in New Mexico, at the bottom of all the bad lists,  I feel sorry for you.

I am alarmed that The Albuquerque Journal is reporting this morning that one in four women in New Mexico is the victim of rape or sexual assault, that is more than enough to make me vomit! Think how God feels about that! 57 percent of the victims in cases filed by law enforcement agencies are children and adolescents, and almost three-quarters of the cases disposed of in the court system are dismissed because of problems that make a conviction highly unlikely.

I am alarmed! Are you? FGGAM will stand in the gap for God on all issues that are important to Him. We are in constant prayer for our state and our country. Let us not say God Bless America! He already has and we have turned our back on Him, let us say, AMERICA, BLESS GOD! AMERICA RETURN TO GOD! IN JESUS NAME AMEN!


  1. If we do not start standing for our values in elections we are certainly doomed to repeat history again, and our nation will end up on the scrap heap of history too.

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