Eric Stakelbeck CBN Terrorism Expert: Muslim Brotherhood Is Out To Destroy The United States


Last night at the Son Broadcasting’s 30th Anniversary Banquet Erick Stakelbeck of CBN New Terrorism Analyst and host of the TV program Watchman was the featured speaker. Erick is also the author of the book, THE BROTHERHOOD AMERICA’S NEXT GREAT ENEMY. You need to read the book! Erick presented the best presentation of what is taking place in our world with Israel, Iran, Muslim Brotherhood and the United States. He has the proof the the Muslim Brotherhood visits the White House and that they are planted and living here in the United States to destroy us. He also stated that know one is going to help Israel. Israel is under attack everyday. Erick went onto say that the UN, EU and President Obama are not going to help Israel, it is up to us to make our voices heard to our elected officials to come to the aid of Israel and to bring our country back to God and to vote those in the darkness out of office. It is foolish to trust Iran. Educate yourself and get Eric Stakelbeck’s  book and watch his TV program, The Watchman, Wednesday’s at 4:30pm on KCHF CH 11. We also invite you to listen to the World We Live In, where we cover these issues, Monday’s at 12:05pm on KDZA AM730. We also cover these issues everyday here at FGGAM.ORG

I am alarmed! Are you? FGGAM will stand in the gap for God on all issues that are important to Him. We are in constant prayer for our state and our country. Let us not say God Bless America! He already has and we have turned our back on Him, let us say, AMERICA, BLESS GOD! AMERICA RETURN TO GOD! IN JESUS NAME AMEN!

Let us remind all that Israel is the apple of God’s eye.

This is a picture of Erick Stakelbeck signing his book which was given to all attendees at last nights super event.



  1. Now that so many of the Church has heard the truth concerning the treachery of our government against our people and our country, I pray that as the Body of Christ we will unite and with one voice not only repent for our nation as Daniel did for his people, but take our authority together, in Jesus’ Name and call a cease and desist to Satan’s plans. Together, we can stand for God’s Kingdom to manifest and His will be done in our nation. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says: “If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
    Let’s take a stand against the spirits of darkness and together we will see the Hand of our God. We will pray. We will declare and decree God’s light into the darkness; God’s life into death; God’s grace, love and mercy into a nation that’s chosen to walk in sin and hostility toward God and a government that has been selling out its people. We must believe that God will send Revival Fire in our cities, states and nation and we will see a mighty Harvest of souls. One thing will save America — it’s an awakening to God. Together, let’s believe for REVIVAL in our land!
    For the Lord is good, for His mercy endures forever. Amen!!!

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