Pastor Dewey in Reserve, New Mexico on Sunday, Order Dewey’s Latest CD Today!

Dewey Moede
Lars Moede Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede
CD Offer with Love Gift for FGGAM graphic
With your gift of 20$ or more, we would like to send you this powerful message on Audio CD


Dewey at World ConfIf you live in the Reserve, New Mexico area and do not have a home church, we would love to see you Sunday at 11am. I will be preaching on the miracle’s of God and the book of James as we prepare for Christmas Day. Please pray that my message be all God, and not my words.

By the way, we have sold out of my latest CD, “Use Your God Given Talents” but we are producing more  so you can still receive one and share it like a book! So many are finding this message very encouraging!!  It is not of me but of God. I was sharing with Annette Garcia of Son Broadcasting that my Uncle Joe Moede who helped train me up as a Pastor always told me, “God will always give you the words to say.ALWAYS, He will always give you the words to preach, His not yours!”

It is important in everything we do, to do it God’s way, not our’s, to the smallest things in life to the biggest things in life! Amen!

Now if you would like our latest CD you can give a love offering of $20.00 or more and we will send you the CD. You can give on line, right here at our web site or mail to FGGAM PO BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 87193, Thank you for your support of FGGAM! For God’s Glory Alone! Merry Christmas.

Maybe you could use the CD as Christmas gifts?

Your gift will help us keep above water, as we go forward in our mission that God has given us, in sharing the light of Jesus Christ with one person  at a time, through radio, tv, preaching, counseling, in home and hospital visits, this web site, and anything else the Lord would have us do for His Kingdom! Amen!

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