Store Greeter Fired After Helping Customer Put Out Car Fire!


common sensecommon sense 3

What do you think of the following story?

I am finding this type of story too often.

A store employee coming to the aid of a customer out in the parking lot, or helping catch a thug and they get fired. Now I know that the store owners don’t want to be held liable for anything, safety and so on. But common sense should prevail??!!??

I know I am an old fuddy duddy, but I could not stand by and watch a customers car burn, just like the man in the following story. Where is common sense in all this? Or is common sense on vacation in America? It’s like we are such an over regulated society we don’t allow for hero’s anymore!!!!

A store greeter was fired after helping a customer put out a car fire because he left his post:


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