Report: Israel and Saudi Arabia Hit Iranian Targets




Reports emerged in Arab media outlets Wednesday evening that recent strikes against pro-Iranian militias in the Albukamal area in Syria near the border with Iraq may have been carried out through a combined effort by Israel and Saudi Arabia, possibly with US assistance as well. The reports pointed to a widespread belief that the sites were being used as a staging ground for missile attacks such as the one which hit a Saudi oil facility last weekend, as well as a statement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo following his meetings with senior Saudi officials in Riyadh that Washington supports Saudi Arabia’s “right to defend itself” and would not tolerate Iran’s “threatening behavior.”

Archeologists Uncover Evidence for Biblical Edom

Archeologists digging in southern Israel’s Arava Desert have found what they believe to be the remains of a highly sophisticated civilization dating from the 12th-11th centuries BC and lending support to the Biblical accounts of the Kingdom of Edom. “Using technological evolution as a proxy for social processes, we were able to identify and characterize the emergence of the biblical kingdom of Edom,” explained Tel Aviv University’s Prof. Ezra Ben-Yosef, who led the study with Prof. Tom Levy of the University of California, San Diego. “Our results prove it happened earlier than previously thought and in accordance with the biblical description.”

Israel Blesses the World

Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science recently published an article in Cell magazine giving details of their findings regarding the effectiveness of immunotherapy for treating melanoma and other types of cancers. The research gives hope for new treatments and refinements for the application of known treatments which could substantially reduce mortality rates among people fighting these diseases.

Iran Suffers Diplomatic Setbacks

A report published on Wednesday by the state Intelligence organization in the German state of Hesse gives details of efforts by Iran to obtain weapons of mass destruction during 2018, as well as carrying out several other illegal activities in Germany. The report confirms previous findings from intelligence agencies in other parts of Germany and Europe. In related news, the International Judo Federation (IJF) issued a statement on Wednesday suspending Iran from future competitions over its policy of boycotting Israeli athletes and other violations of IJF regulations.


A New Level of Iranian Audacity
Editorial, INSS

It is evident that Iran is prepared to take new and more daring risks, based in part on the assessment that the U.S. as well as the Saudis and other Gulf states are not interested in a broad escalation. The Iranian readiness to incur greater risk reflects the price that it is prepared to pay in order to extricate itself from the American sanctions. Its steps are also an indirect signal to Israel regarding Iran’s military ability to respond with advanced weapons.


A Look at Biblical Archeology in Israel

The technological record studied here represents half-a-millennium of continuous copper production in the Wadi Arabah (~1300–800 BCE), which was preceded and followed by centuries of hiatus. As such, this record provides a unique window into evolutionary processes of a given society; this society, identified with the Edomites of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and non-biblical sources (Assyrian and Egyptian), was based on the local tribes of the region that practiced a (semi-)nomadic way of life throughout the period


ICEJ Arise Summer Tour – Raising Our Expectations

The ICEJ recently hosted its 2019 Arise Summer Youth Tour, and to say that it was life changing is no exaggeration. Forty-five Christian youth from ten different nations came together to experience Israel, most of them for the first time. Hailing from a variety of backgrounds, the group of 18 to 32-year-olds explored ancient biblical sites, served Israelis in practical ways, laughed and worshipped together, and became one family in the process.
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Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

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