Online Abortion Pills Come to America, OH MY! Pray With Us!


Heaven help us…..

God is not happy with America…How can He be?

This just shakes me to the core of my being……this is the world we live in… no value for life, an online service called Aid Access launched in the summer to provide prescription abortion pills by mail to women in the U.S., Founder Rebecca Gomperts, a Dutch physician and activist, has for years run Women on Web, which ships abortion pills to women in countries where abortion is illegal.

I do not know this America.

ABQ Journal Report

Thomas a’ Kempis said, “When Jesus is near, all is well and nothing seems difficult. When He is absent, all is hard.”

Fastest Growing in America is ‘NONE’

This is a sad story, but it is information we need to digest as we go forth everyday to carry out the Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20 This is why God formed FGGAM, to share His light to a dark world. In my 62 years I have not seen America in such bad shape. So many murders, just so much awful violence, so much anger, so much division, worse than Watergate and the Vietnam War. I am very tired of posting that the flag is now at half-staff because of another mass shooting, 2018 may be a record year for that. I do not know this America. America has lost its moral compass. So many worship politics as their God, the Lord has shown me this is a huge problem in America, people making politics and politicians  their God. Politics is destroying America. The Lord has shown me to stick with it, to shine our light to one person at a time. So many people have left the Church, they are discouraged, I know, I counsel them. So many see no benefit in going to Church, many say they worship God at home or in the Forrest or other such places.

When Billy and Ruth Graham received the Congressional Gold Medal in 1996, Dr. Graham told an assembly of our nation’s most powerful leaders: “You know the problems as well as I do–crime and violence, children taking weapons to school, broken families, drugs, teenage pregnancy, and corruption. The list is almost endless. We have confused liberty with license, and we are paying the awful price.”

My heart breaks for my children and grandchildren, growing up in this world is so very tough and will get tougher. Politics is not the answer, JESUS is the only answer.

It is way beyond time to sound the alarm, America needs to repent and seek the face of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thomas a’ Kempis said, “When Jesus is near, all is well and nothing seems difficult. When He is absent, all is hard.”

The Minneapolis StarTribune did this story….

Particularly alarming is the plunge in church membership by people in their 20s and 30s. One in three are now churchless, according to the Pew Research Center. Faith leaders are racking their brains over how to reach these adults who may never step under a steeple.

StarTribune Story

Past posts……….

Pastor Shortage

Yes, it is at a crisis level. It is here.

The problem is huge in rural New Mexico and all over America. I have been going on a fairly consistent basis to serve at the First Baptist Church in Reserve now for 6 years this coming December. I also during that time served about 2 years on a rotational basis at the First Baptist Church in Quemado. I love the folks in Reserve and Quamado. Right now I go to Reserve the first and third Sundays of every month. It is an 8 hour round trip. I also will be going to Glenwood, New Mexico in Sept. to fill in for Pastor Dave, that will be a 9 hour round trip. Church attendance is falling across the board in America, fewer are wanting to become Pastors. The shortage is across all denominations.

Please pray for my car. I have had a new radiator put in and then I also have had a few other challenges with the ministry car,it is getting many miles put on it! Keep my travels in your prayers please. I always pray NO ELK PLEASE LORD and for my message of course.

The following story is from the Baptist New Mexican, Dr. Joseph Bunce is the writer.

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 19 percent of America’s population is rural. Only 25 percent live in the 200 largest cities. In the U.S.A., 97 percent of land mass is classified as rural. Regarding Baptist Convention of New Mexico churches, 198 churches see 75 or fewer people attend on an average Sunday. More than two-thirds of BCNM churches can be classified as rural.

The need for pastors in established rural New Mexico churches will soon reach a crisis level.

The Baptist New Mexican Report Here

This is a story I posted earlier this month:

Pray for Pastors…….Pray for America…many Churches in rural America no longer have a full-time Pastor. This is so very sad……

The Minneapolis StarTribune reports:


Fewer enter seminary as need declines, church budgets shrink

Fewer recruits are willing to be pioneers in a new spiritual landscape that requires them to juggle faith, fundraising and Facebook.

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