Good Morning Beautiful People…Today We Celebrate Veterans Day


Good Morning Beautiful People…Today We Celebrate Veteran’s Day

Good Morning beautiful people, good morning. Today let’s pray for our veterans. People are important to God. He knows everything about us and He knows the sacrifices people have made for others. On this day we honor and celebrate those who were in the armed forces. They paid a service to our country and sometimes it has cost them their very life. Only God Himself could repay such a person.


Father, thank you for freedom. Today we pray a special prayer for all those that have served our country and paid the price for our freedom here in the United States of America.

Father, may we never take for granted the price they paid and the sacrifice made by their families. Today, as we journey the day may we take a moment to personally thank them for their service.

Father, we ask you to bring healing today for every veteran that has been wounded while serving our country. Only you, oh God, can restore the years the locusts have eaten. (Joel 2:25) We bring them to the healing waters of Jesus Christ and ask you to make them whole once again.

Father, only you can make sure every need is met on their behalf. You know every detail from the day they were the born until today. We ask you Father that you would heal their spirits and bless their lives according to the Word of God. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Celebrate a veteran today!

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