Support Albuquerque Police


Crime is out of control in Albuquerque. When will the Mayor and City Council address this issue by supporting our Police? When will the Mayor and City Council give our Officers raises and hire 300 more Officers?  I have talked to many Officers and retired Officers who have deep respect for the residents of Albuquerque and they are so very concerned by the lack of support from Mayor Berry and the safety of residents and visitors.  At this pont I do not know what Mayor Berry’s priority is??? Is it being elected Governor? When will the Mayor and City Council be honest with the people of Albuquerque and visitors to the City, that Albuquerque is a city that is overrun by crime. Not right not to warn visitors that this is a dangerous city. So many have their beloingings stolen while staying at Hotels, whether is is their trailer, car, truck, motorcycles or other belongings. Be honest with us, support our Officers with raises and hire 300 more Officers! My neighbors and I will pay higher taxes for more Law Enforement, just make sure it goes to the men and women who serve us and to hire more Officers. In recent weeks we have had a house robbed during the day and a possible meth lab in our neighborhood, and we live in a wonderful area!!! My friends at APD tell me they are very discouraged, when they start their shift they are already behind in answering 911 calls, sometimes as high as 50 calls behind.    ABQ Journal Story

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