New Mexico’s Pearce: Senate must join House to end Shutdown




Washington, DC (September 30, 2013) – As of tonight, the Democrat-controlled Senate has refused to pass any of the three continuing resolutions proposed by the House of Representatives.  As a result, the federal government will shut down until an agreement can be reached to resume government funding.


“I have always believed that Congress should be held to the same standards as everyone else,” said Pearce.  “As a result, I have made the difficult decision that my staff will be furloughed.  And, though the Constitution requires that members of Congress must be paid, I will pay back to the U.S. Treasury the salary I am paid during the shutdown.  I had hoped that a shutdown could be avoided: I encourage all New Mexicans to contact their Senators and urge them to pass the House Continuing Resolution and end the shutdown.”


Rep. Pearce has voted three times to prevent a shutdown, and has asked all sides to negotiate and compromise to reach a fair solution.


Congressman Pearce has also advocated for the elimination of subsidies and exemptions so that Congress and staff face the full effects of Obamacare.  Pearce submitted an amendment to last Friday’s continuing resolution, and introduced legislation (H.R. 3198) to accomplish this goal.  Tonight, the House voted to pass a third bill to continue funding the government, of which this was a central provision: Washington lawmakers, staffers, and appointees must sign up for Obamacare just like all Americans.  “We must end the special privileges for the political class in Washington,” said Pearce. “I call on my colleagues in the Senate to stop demanding special privileges for themselves and do the right thing and align Washington with the rest of the nation.”steve Pearce

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