“The American Way”


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Hello, I’m Jerry Stewart. It was September 19, 1952 when the “Superman” TV series premiered in America, and for years millions of Americans watched Superman as he taught us “Truth, Justice, and the American Way”. But where has the American Way gone today?

A few years back when the newest Superman movie came out I watched as that famous saying was quoted; but hold it, they changed the words – they omitted the “America Way” from that saying. What was that all about?

Well, I contacted the production company to see what that omission was all about, and what they told me stunned me. They said, “We left that part out because today no one even knows what the American Way is.”

I wanted to fight back, to argue the point, I was mad; but then it hit me – they were right! Today in America we have become so watered down in our morals and principles and values, that today there is no clear “American Way”.

My dad used to say to me, “Son, you must make up your mind were you are going to stand, what you believe, what is right and wrong and good and bad – then stand firm”. He would always end that lesson with this last very visual word picture. He would say quite seriously, “The only thing in the middle of the road is yellow stripes and dead armadillos; son, get out of the middle of the road!”

Where are you standing today? Think about it.


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