Follow The Star in Belen


mqdefaultDear Church Leaders in Bernalillo and Valencia Counties,

It would be awesome if we could work together on this project.  As you know, Belen/Bethlehem is under the threat of a lawsuit for having a nativity sculpture in the hub of our city.  About a month ago, we had about 800 people from all over the county and Albuquerque come together voicing their stance to keep the nativity up.  It was a great event.  Yet, we believe it is only the beginning.  We believe God has a special move of His Presence planned to transform Valencia County.  We need your help.

This move of God will not be focused on one church or denomination.  Rather, He will pour out His Spirit on All Flesh!  We are looking for fellow servants in Christ to partner with us to get this done.
Follow the Star is an annual event of churches, businesses, and community organizations coming together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  It is a live 30-45 minute performance.  We will have animals, crafts, food, and Hebrew dancing at our walk through Bethlehem exhibits.  We need help to fill our choir, musicians, dancers, actors, crafters, set designers, security, and bakers.

With the potential law suit lingering to remove our Nativity, we felt God was calling to change our format.  We believe Follow the Star is much bigger than Belen.  We know God desires for the churches in Valencia County to come together as one to spark a change in our valley.  We have been given an opportunity to take a stand for Jesus and to let the people know in Valencia County and around the state that there is a loud voice in Valencia County for Jesus Christ.  We are hoping this will spark other events to do in Valencia County.

This year we will have two main performances at 4 and 6 on the evening of December 5th.  The tour of Bethlehem will be open at 3 and in between performances.

We have a meeting at New Life in Belen this Tuesday, September 29 at noon.  

You can get a hold of me through my phone number 505-859-2959 or through my email at Together we stand strong

Pastor Greg MacPherson
P.S.  You can look at this site for information of past Follow the Stars.!follow-the-star/c21l1

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