From Within





‭Galatians 2:16, 20-21 NKJV‬

[16] knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.



[20] I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. [21] I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.”








There is something that I have been pondering.


If I were secluded in an empty room with nothing in it, would I still sin.


If there were absolutely no outside interference, no technology, phone nothing, just me, myself and I, would I be blameless.



I believe that the answer is no question and without a doubt NO!

I would fall victim to the sin still locked in the deepest parts of my heart. My thoughts would probably start to rustle and would mingle with doubt, fear and worry.


We have to ask the question why.

We fail to recognize what the true source of our sin is.


Sin and corruption comes from within.

Sometimes bottled up in the depths of the heart that no one knows even exists but you and God.


Even if we have confessed and have submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the sin may be forgiven but the aftermath can still be lingering. We can be born again in Spirit with a new life and a new destination,but the memory of sin can still be tormenting.

Sometimes it’s a lifelong process to be made completely Holy.


There is a quote, I’m sure many of you have heard, but it has had me think about the importance of Christ, His Cross and Resurrection.



We are not sinners because we sin.

We sin because we are sinners.


R.C. Sproul



What is in your heart your mind will think. Whatever you think your mouth will speak.



‭Jeremiah 17:9 NKJV‬

[9] “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?


This is so very true.

We will struggle with it until we submit it to the Lord completely. Even then it is the work of the Lord, everyday, regenerating our hearts bit by bit.



So what must we do to have this change of heart?


When we can finally see where the condition of our heart is, what must we do to start to make it right?


There must be repentance!


The heart, the mind and the soul of your whole being must come together in agreement!


All three must join forces to combat the crookedness of the heart. All three have to join together to understand the height, depth and the width of the love of Jesus.


The washing of sin starts with repentance.


I believe there’s two types of repentance.


There’s shallow repentance.

Shallow repentance is when we just have regret for what we have done. There’s just enough “ I’m sorry” in your heart that comes out of your mouth to not face the consequences of that sin.

It’s realizing that you did something wrong but are not willing or ready to walk away from it.

There’s deep repentance.


That must be a deep repentance.


Deep repentance is an irreversible turn.

An irreversible change of mind.

It is coming to the Cross of Christ and not nailing your sin or your situation to it, it must be more than that!

Nailing your sin and situation only ends up with a shallow repentance.

It must be your whole life, including your sin and situation.

Jesus hung everything on that Cross and so should we.

Repentance of sin, Following Jesus, and serving Jesus must go hand in hand.


No one can be a true servant of Christ if there hasn’t been a true Heart of repentance.


How can you show His compassion if your heart isn’t softened to His compassion?

How can you give mercy if you have never accepted His mercy?


How can you love if the love of Jeus Christ has not penetrated through the Stony heart, unmuted your ears, given you spiritual eyes to see His Goodness?


We all have a Cross to carry.

Some are heavier than others.

Some are more rugged than others.

We all have one to bear.

Romans 2:20-21

[20] I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. [21] I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.”




Crucified to Christ.

Faith in Jesus Christ is enough!

Crucified to Christ means that we are no longer under the penalty of the Law.

That penalty was paid by Christ on our behalf. When Christ was crucified, it was as if we were crucified with Him.


The penalty was fully paid.

That penalty is a Spiritual death!

It is separation from the Throne of Heaven for an Eternity.

The penalty is having to suffer the Wrath of a Holy and Righteous God!


On the Third Day when Christ rose from the dead, we rose, too.


Now the risen Christ empowers us to live for Him in a way that pleases God.


God only recognizes and accepts only One payment for sin.

Only One Holy and acceptable Sacrifice.

There is a power of sin that controls the inner parts of us.

But there is more power, everlasting power in the cleansing Blood of Jesus Christ. There is nothing in comparison to the power of His Resurrection.

Leaving all behind to submit to this power, this Resurrection and Blood, God does something in us in return.


‭Jeremiah 24:7 NKJV‬

[7] Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.


God says “I will give them’. Only God can give you a new heart. Only God can straighten what is crooked. Only God can take away sin and inequities.

Only God can cleanse the stain of sin.

Only God can give you a new heart

The heart is the worst part of man before its encounter with the amazing grace of Jesus Christ!

Today, be Crucified to Christ, have a deep repentance and allow God to exchange the old worn out heart and implant you a new one that desires to follow Him.


Today walk in the Grace and Mercy you have been shown.

Fill your heart until it overflows with Jesus.

Then go and speak Jesus to the hurting, sinful lost heart searching for what you have found and accepted!


Declare this day,

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God!



Pastor Ed


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