NM Attorney Michael Seibel: Amber Thurman could have died in a pro-abortion state like Keisha Atkins did. Here’s why.

Michael Seibel: Ms. Thurman could have died in a pro-abortion or pro-life state from poor treatment. 

I was communicating with New Mexico Attorney Michael Seibel this week. Michael has been fighting for God’s babies for years, a leader of the pro-life movement in New Mexico. God Bless him. I had a good conversations with him in person a year ago on many issues. I am so thankful for our commination this week. I was sharing with Michael my huge disappointment in the GOP in not stopping the governor from building her ten million dollar baby killing factor in Las Cruces. It seems to me that the GOP is no longer life pro-life, even Trump is wavering. Read my post below Michael’s message.
Students For Life
Chemical Abortion
September 19, 2024


I am heartbroken upon the news of the tragic death of Amber Thurman. As an experienced malpractice attorney in the OBGYN/abortion area of practice, it turned my stomach to see ProPublica and the author of the publication using the tragedy to blame pro-life laws. To do so denies the family of Amber Thurman to a fair and just trial of what appears to be a great malpractice case against the abortion provider.

Without reviewing the documents or having access to the medical records of Ms. Thurman, I cannot completely assess the cause of her death. However, it is highly unlikely that the cause of her death was the pro-life laws. In fact, it’s more likely that the abortion clinician, the media, or the physicians at the hospital were the ultimate cause of Amber Thurman’s death. To confuse the issue not only denies justice to Amber Thurman, but to women everywhere.

Ms. Thurman attempted to obtain an abortion in North Carolina in August of 2022. On August 13, when Ms. Thurman got to North Carolina, instead of getting a D&C like she initially planned, the clinic employee offered her the abortion pill before she left. Then she presumably took the second pill no later than the next day — August 14, 2022.

Four days later, Ms. Thurman vomited blood and passed out. She was taken by ambulance to Piedmont Hospital. She arrived at the hospital at 6:51 p.m but wasn’t assessed until 9:30 p.m. She was put on an IV drip and the OBGYN noted the possibility of a D&C the next day, despite noting a foul-smelling vaginal odor. It is unclear when the doctor diagnosed acute severe sepsis. Eventually, seven hours later, doctors attempted surgery, but Ms. Thurman died on the operating table.


Ms. Thurman could have died in a pro-abortion or pro-life state from poor treatment. 

In my opinion, as a malpractice attorney, Ms. Thurman would have died regardless of pro-life laws.

The reason for my opinion is that this is reasonably similar to the case of Keisha Atkins, which was similarly mismanaged in Albuquerque, New Mexico, by Lisa Hofler, an award-winning graduate of Emory University. Ms. Hofler was a graduate of the vaunted Ryan Residency Program and the Family Planning Program at Emory. The Ryan Residency Program is alleged to be the pinnacle of abortion training in the United States. It is supposed to train residents on the best practices of abortion care.

New Mexico was a pro-abortion state long before Roe v. Wade was overturned. In fact, New Mexico was home to one of the most well-known late-term abortion facilities in the U.S.: Southwestern Women’s Options.

Keisha Atkins was admitted to the University of New Mexico on February 3, 2017, after beginning a late-term abortion (24 weeks) at Southwestern Women’s Options on January 31, 2017. Even though her abortion was later in pregnancy, the abortion pill — Mifeprex— was utilized as part of Atkins’ abortion process, as was the second drug in the abortion pill regimen, misoprostol.

Like Ms. Thurman, Ms. Atkins took the abortion pill and experienced similar symptoms similar to Ms. Thurman. Ms. Atkins arrived at UNM with an extremely high white blood cell count. She also had a foul discharge coming from her vagina and was diagnosed with sepsis.

Hofler, a member of the Society of Family Planning’s Committee, stated she would most likely perform a D&C on Ms. Atkins in the morning — the exact same course of treatment discussed for Amber Thurman. Similarly, Ms. Atkins’ condition deteriorated and required an emergency D&C. Keisha Atkins, like Amber Thurman, died on the operating table; performing the D&C was Rameet Singh, another member of the elite Ryan Residency program.

Keisha Atkins died while being treated by the abortion industry experts who seemed to be following the same protocol treatment as that of Amber Thurman. And Atkins died in the most pro-abortion jurisdiction in the country, which had (and still has) zero abortion restrictions.

The abortion industry’s allegedly elite trained ‘experts’ performed no better than the OBGYNs in Amber Thurman’s case.


OPINION: The Satanic Temple at least is honest about abortion

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