‘You mean it’s GOD who has been speaking to me? ‘

“How will I know when it speaks to me?” she asked. Becky quickly answered, “The first thing you need to know is there is no ‘it.’ There is a ‘He’ that speaks to you.” “You mean it’s GOD who has been speaking to me? That’s HIM?” She was completely stunned.

FGGAM Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede

THIS PREACHES! AWESOME! Thank you Baptist Press and Dawn Reed!

Baptist Press

By Dawn Reed, posted February 16, 2024 in Prayer

Not everyone knows about Jesus.  It still surprises me to find that to be true.  While I grew up going to Sunday and Wednesday church services, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, countless others did not.  While I know Him personally and He walks with me daily, to some He is an unknown person, a stranger they have heard little about.

A new rehab for women has opened in our area.  We watched and prayed as the building was being remodeled, the employees were assembled, and women began to arrive.  Most were court ordered so they came straight from various jails.  The new supervisor, a dear friend, asked if some of our jail ministry team could come to teach and love on the women there.   The answer was a hearty “YES.”

Some faces there are familiar: girls we have met at our county jail.  We love seeing them NOT in orange or tan scrubs.  It’s a huge step up.  No longer a thin mat on a cell floor, they now have real beds to sleep in.  They have couches and chairs where they can lounge and private bathrooms.  Oh, there are plenty of restrictions, which they need.  They’re working with counselors making great strides for a drug-free future. The Rest of The Story Here


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