We Blind Mice!


“And at the evening sacrifice I arose up from my heaviness; and having rent my garment and my mantle, I fell upon my knees, and spread out my hands unto the Lord my God,

And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens.

8 “And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the Lord our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.”  (Ezra 9:5-6,8)

Very few people alive today have seen a widespread spiritual awakening.   I have read about and studied the great awakenings and revivals of the past; I do not want to read about them anymore, I want to experience one from the inside out!   America must have one to survive what we have allowed, even encouraged, to take us blindly down the path to near self-destruction.    We are in bondage while we carelessly sing, dance, party, eat and be merry while prices go higher, and morals go lower.   We are one major decision away from a great nation gone completely under.

Oh, that we might experience an awakening that would bring millions to the Cross of Christ and humble our churches and nation.   Many are praying for yet another great outpouring of God’s Spirit upon North America.  That is my hearts cry as well.   Can it happen again?     The Key to a great movement of God in the Church now is for the American believer to either discover or return to the Fear of the LORD, the Awe, the Wonder, the Amazement, the Astonishment, the Reverence, the Esteem, of God!    Will you pray that it will happen?   Will you pray that it will begin in you?       Pray On!


  1. We definitely need an awakening in this land. So many things remind me of the days of Noah. The way you slipped in that Ronald Reagan comment was perfect!

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