The Power of Friendship


This event is in Grantsville, West Virginia, and I realize that it is not a possibility for folks so far and wide to attend. But I covet your prayers for this event! There’s not only power in friendship, there is certainly power in Prayer!!!

I’m terrible at remembering dates, but according to my friend LuAnn Johnson, of North Carolina, we met in 2015. It was a strange meeting, in that neither of us had any connection with the other. Luann lived a few State’s away, although she had originally hailed from Southern West Virginia, and still had a loyalty to her home State. We were both Christian, but of no church affiliation. I received a call one day from her that opened with “You don’t know me, and you may think I’m strange, but I’d like to come to your County and help some people out at Christmas.” And so she did.

She had discovered my name from a google request and my Jesus Chick website. And she and I together, with many donations from her church, Faith Community Baptist Church of East Bend, NC, held Christmas Dinners, Provided gifts to children, and food and bibles to families. We shared the gospel together, and when I wasn’t available to help her, she and her husband Daniel would traverse through the hills of Calhoun and Clay Counties, going up hollows that they had no clue if they were safe or not, but trusted God to provide and protect and would hand out gifts, bibles and food.

She is a one of a kind friend.

Calhoun County is a unique place. It’s an often forgotten land by State and Federal agencies, but it is not forgotten by God. I fully believe that we have found favor in his eyes. Not because we are “good”, but because there are people in this County, that truly care for the souls around them. I am one. I know many others. But we don’t always act on what we know.

That is why God sends people like LuAnn Johnson to “stir the pot” so to speak. I would not have stepped out of my comfort zone of serving in my local church and just went off Willy Nilly doing a Christmas event for the Community. But LuAnn would.

This year, we’re going a little past Christmas to reach out to Calhoun (and surrounding counties). We’re providing a one day only ladies conference, free of charge, including food and materials.

The event will be at the Calhoun County Park Barn on January 6th, 2024. It is an open invitation with a request for registrations to know how many we need to prepare for. The title of the event is “New Year 🦋New Joy” and the day’s purpose will be to encourage women by igniting the joy that is within them.

Together we will worship, praise God and learn “What God has in Store in 2024.” It is our plan to give you the Spiritual tools to make 2024 the best year yet. Luann, nor I have the power to do that. We’re counting on the Holy Spirit to show up and do a mighty work that day and we don’t want anyone to miss out!

We’re praying for each of you that attend. Please Register today! Don’t put it off.

If you or your church would like to help by providing food or volunteering for the event, please email me at, or contact me through Ridgeview or social media.

Below are the event flyers and the link to register. Remember, this is a free event!!! You show up, and God will bless.


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