As I approach what I like to call one of our Holy Ghost communion services this weekend, I would like to share a thought with all you beloved saints about the importance of the presence of the breath of God in your life and very importantly in our church services.

The Bible was written by inspiration of God.  And the word ‘inspiration’ means “God breathed!”  He used human writers as instruments, and each one sounded differently as God’s breath blew thru them, but they had no power of themselves but the power was in the breath of God.

It was the breath like wind of the Holy Spirit that blew the disciples around at Pentecost, and it’s that same powerful breath of God that will sail our ships on this sea of life and the same spirit we should be allowed to flow through our church services. Woe to those who will stop the Holy Spirit from its flow within the church. Trust me I am one who believes in order the church, but with prayer and an intimate relationship with God you will be blessed with this special gift of discernment to call out chaos in the church when needed. And again trust me they will come and visit your church if they haven’t already.

I like this fact:  we don’t have to be gifted or capable or have great abilities…only availability!  We must make ourselves available to the Holy Ghost to sail our ships through this physical life onto the glory land.  How wonderful that God doesn’t send us to do something that can’t be done, for there’s nothing that He can’t do thru us!Praying your having a blessed Weekend!

Pastor Paul Anthony

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