The Associated Press (“AP News”) is reporting that militant Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip carried out an unprecedented, multi-front attack on Israel this morning (10/7/2023).  Hamas fired thousands of rockets as dozens of Hamas fighters infiltrated the heavily fortified Israeli border in several locations – overwhelming Israel Defense Forces (“IDF”) at the border.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel is at war and has called for a mass mobilization of military reserves.

Credit: Photograph via

United States (“US”) National Security Council Spokeswoman, Adrienne Watson, said that the US “unequivocally condemns the unprovoked attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians.  There is never any justification for terrorism.”

Although the numbers of deaths and injuries is fluid, as the fighting continues, the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba, Israel, reported earlier this morning that it was treating at least 280 casualties – with 60 persons in serious condition.  The Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, near Gaza, reported that it was treating 182 wounded persons, including 12 persons in critical condition.

The AP News report may be read HERE.  Information is being covered and updated by all major news organizations.

My brothers and sisters, it goes without saying how critical it is that all believers lift up Israel and its residents in prayer as they suffer the effects of another serious terrorist attack plunging the country into war.  Let’s pray for a swift and effective military action with minimal casualties and loss of life on all sides, with the result being a genuine dialog leading to a longstanding peace within the region.  Let’s pray that the Father would soften both Israeli and Palestinian hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Terrorism and murder are never the answer, as these proceed from the evil one and are not of God.  The Answer will never change.  The Answer is Jesus!

Genesis 12:3 (NKJV)
The LORD said to Abram (later Abraham):  “I will bless those who bless you, [a]nd I will curse him who curses you; [a]nd in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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