‘The Kingdom Is In The Midst Of You!’

Are you a follower of Jesus?


The Kingdom Is In The Midst Of You!

For Behold, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You [In Your Hearts] And Among You [Surrounding You] – Luke 17:21b (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).

Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,

Paul the Apostle tells us that the Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace & JOY In The Holy Spirit! Matthew 4:17 calls us to Repentance, which is a Gift of God and Proclaims that “The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand.” Jesus also in Mark 1:15 stated The Same, as well as in Matthew 3:2 & 4:17 and even in the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3 says, even the humble, those poor in spirit, who rate themselves insignificant are Blessed, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  In Matthew 10, Jesus summoned to Himself, His Disciples, to GO & PREACH, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand!”

Are you a ‘Disciple,’ follower of Christ? If HE is no respecter of persons, then The Same requirements HE put on HIS Disciples then are expected of us today, because HE Is The Same, Yesterday, Today & Forever/Eternally.  HE Himself said to HIS Disciples in the upper room, on Resurrection Sunday evening, “Just As The Father Sent Me, So I AM Sending You, GO & DO Likewise!” Imagine having ALL Power & Authority, as a King or High Priest, now Believe that this is true of you, because God says it is and He can not lie, so what are you going to do with ALL of this? Obedience always brings God’s Blessings, so let’s trust and obey, cause there’s no other way to be happy In JESUS! Under His Anointing, that breaks down every yoke of sin and bondage, GO & DO Likewise, according to His Word, Will & Way.

There’s nothing hidden or buried here, no mystery that has not been revealed, so see the kingdom, because your eyes have been opened, seek the kingdom, because The Hope that is set before you will not disappoint, He Is The Hope Of Israel, The Hope Of The Nations & The Hope Of The World, so follow The King, because He is with you and for you, He promises to go before you, He has your rear guard, He is beside you, on your right and left + you are guaranteed to see His Goodness, Tender Mercies & Loving Kindness, following you ALL The Days Of Your LIFE,  He’s moving upon, in and through you by HIS Holy Spirit, The Comforter, Who will lead and guide you into ALL Truth & Understanding, so you can accomplish The Works HE has prepared for you to do, before the foundations of this earth were created and as each and every believer does their part, we will come into The FULLNESS Of GOD!

November 5-19, 2023 Pray for the Hindu World @ http://www.worldprayerguides.org WATCH the ‘Hidden Mountain’ Documentary @ https://youtu.be/P-_Nx1UA5UE?si=n8xW5Upau6vQQ-jK be sure to SUBSCRIBE @ZionGlory @YouTube and prayerfully consider showing it at a Movie Night in your church or home fellowship – JOIN us LIVE Mondays 6-8pm MT & 9-11am MT on Wednesdays (streaming 24/7/365 Internationally @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv) + if you or someone you know would like to hold a Prayer gathering in or around NM, don’t hesitate to contact me (visit http://prayerattheheart.org ).


Mark Tross


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