Stay Connected To The Power Source… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Stay Connected To The Power Source…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. As you know I recently traveled for an awards event. I can be a bit frugal at times. I have learned over the years how to stretch pennies. On this trip I could save a few dollars on my car rental if I let the company choose my vehicle. They called it a mystery vehicle. I thought to myself as I looked through the prices that I didn’t care really what I drove as long as it gets me where I am going. I clicked on the mystery vehicle and saved approximately five dollars a day. All was well until….

I walked up to the counter and discovered my car rental was all electric. I kindly told the gentleman I knew nothing about an electric vehicle. He assured me I would be fine, and we exchanged a few chuckles as he agreed to pray for me. I had to learn something new, and I was well beyond my comfort zone already. I seldom pump my own gas and how and where do you plug in an electric car in a state you know very little about? I can laugh about it now, but I was beyond what I was comfortable with.

I am thankful that we can walk every day with the most powerful force on the earth. In ourselves we have limited power, limited knowledge, but with God he is all powerful. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. We can tap into his power, and he can show us the way to take.

Let’s ask him today to re-charge us. Let’s ask him to make us powerhouses for him, Amen? Amen.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for Jesus, the most powerful force on the earth today. Psalm 20 tells us in verse 7 that some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. 

Father, all powerful God lead us today, fill us to overflowing with your power. Show us the great and mighty things your Word tells us about. Give us wisdom well beyond our years, as we dedicate our day to you. We pray in the highest name known to man, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a beautiful day God’s most beautiful people. Jesus is your power source.


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